Causes and Events of the Battle of Hunayn and At-Taa’if - I

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When the Messenger of Allah and his Companions conquered Makkah and the people of the Quraysh surrendered to them, the tribes of the Hawaazin and Thaqeef became terrified and said, “Muhammad is now free [after defeating the Quraysh] to fight us, let us invade him before he attacks us.” They all agreed to fight Muhammad and entrusted this matter to Maalik bin ‘Awf An-Nasri. 

All the tribes of Hawaazin, Thaqeef and Banu Hilaal gathered with him except the tribes of Ka‘b and Kilaab. Durayd bin As-Simmah, who was known for his cunning opinions and endurance in wars, joined them. However, he was too old to fight, so, he participated with his opinion and advice only.
Maalik bin ‘Awf was of the opinion to put the women, children and property at the back of the army, so that the soldiers would not flee from the battlefield. When Durayd learnt about this, he asked him why he wanted to do so. Maalik said, “I want to put behind every man his family and property so that he would fight in their defense.” Durayd said, “By Allah, you are [merely] a shepherd [in this context this was a derogatory term indicating ignorance about warfare]. Is there anything that prevents the defeated from being defeated? If war is in your favor, then nothing will benefit you except a man with his sword and spear; if not, you will be disgraced before your family and property.” However, Maalik did not listen to the advice of Durayd.
The Most Important Events of the Battle of Hunayn
The Muslim army moved towards Hunayn on the fifth day of Shawwaal and reached there in the evening of the tenth day of that month. Before setting out to war, the Prophet appointed ‘Attaab bin Aseed, may Allah be pleased with him, as his deputy in Makkah. The Muslim soldiers amounted to twelve thousand, whereas, the army of Hawaazin and Thaqeef outnumbered the Muslim army by two folds or more. When those who were freed from being punished on the Day of the Conquest of Makkah and reverted to Islam saw the size of the Muslim army, they became conceited and said, “We will not be defeated today, because of our number.”
A- The mobilization made by Maalik bin ‘Awf, the leader of Hawaazin and Thaqeef
The mobilization that Maalik bin ‘Awf made passed through a number of stages:
1-    Boosting his soldiers’ morale: He delivered a speech urging them to be brave and steadfast. He said in his speech, “Muhammad has never actually fought; rather, he would face inexperienced people who had no knowledge of war, so he would defeat them.”
2-    Gathering the soldiers’ offspring and property behind the army: The leader of Hawaazin ordered that the wives of the fighters and their children should be gathered behind them to make the fighters more steadfast in the battlefield and to show extreme courage in the face of their enemies. Maalik thought that the fighters would then find it difficult to escape from the battlefield if they knew that their dearest ones and possessions were behind them.
It was narrated on the authority of Anas bin Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said, “We conquered Makkah, and then we invaded Hunayn. The polytheists came in Hunayn in the best rows I have ever seen. The cavalry formed the first rows, followed by the rows of fighters, then those of women behind them. Then there were the rows of sheep and goats, and then those of other animals.” [Muslim]
3-    Unsheathing the swords and breaking their sheaths: The Arabs would break the sheaths of their swords before starting to fight indicating their determination and firmness before the enemy until they either gained victory or death. Maalik ordered his soldiers to do so saying to them, “…if you see the people [the Muslim army], break the sheaths of your swords and fight them as if you are one man.” [Al-Haakim]
4-    Setting up ambushes to overtake and suddenly attack the Muslim army: Maalik bin ‘Awf An-Nasri had precise information about the land where the battle would take place. Hence, he utilized the natural conditions for the good of his army. He followed the advice of the veteran warrior, Durayd bin As-Simmah, to set up ambushes for the Muslim army. This plan was about to destroy the Muslim army had it not been for the care and protection of Allah The Almighty.
5-    Taking the initiative in attacking the Muslims: Taking the initiative in attacking the Muslims was part of the plan of the leader of the Hawaazin because victory is most probably for those who attack while the defender is usually in a weak position. Hence, this plan succeeded for a while, and then, the scales of power were overturned owing to the favor of Allah The Almighty and the steadfastness of the Messenger of Allah . In the end, the Muslims won the second round and defeated their enemies.
6-    Waging a psychological war against the Muslims: Part of the military plan of Maalik bin ‘Awf was using an incorporeal weapon that has a great effect on the souls of men. He waged psychological warfare against the Muslims to cast fear into their souls by gathering thousands of camels behind the army and making the women ride them. This was a terrifying scene as anyone who saw them would think that the army was made up of one hundred thousand fighters while it was not.
B- Steps taken by the Messenger of Allah to ward off these gatherings:
When the Prophet was informed that the Hawaazin was determined to fight him after he had conquered Makkah, he did the following:
1-    He sent ‘Abdullaah bin Abu Hadrad Al-Aslami, may Allah be pleased with him, to bring him the news of the Hawaazin:
He went and stayed among them for a day or two and then returned and told the Prophet what he had seen. ‘Abdullaah, may Allah be pleased with him, performed his task and returned quickly with the news of the enemies. However, he did not perform his task perfectly. He did not completely mix with the people of the Hawaazin to hear and see what was schemed against the Muslims there. One of the important things he should have come to know was the location of the polytheist army. The Muslims were overtaken by the ambushes that were set up at the turnings of the valley, where they were stormed with arrows. Accordingly, the Muslims were defeated in the first round. Having no knowledge about these ambushes was one of the main reasons behind the Muslims’ defeat in the first round. This fault did not affect the infallibility of the Prophet because this matter was not based on revelation; rather, it was based on personal opinion in military matters. The Prophet did his best to gather the most accurate and detailed information about the enemy to prepare in its light the proper military plan to face the enemy.
2-    The equipment of the army and borrowing armor and spears:
The Messenger of Allah prepared an army of ten thousand soldiers who set out with him from Madeenah and two thousand who joined them after the Conquest of Makkah. So their total number was twelve thousand soldiers. It was narrated on the authority of Anas bin Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said, “When it was the day [of the Battle] of Hunayn, the tribes of the Hawaazin and Ghatafaan, along with their animals and offspring [and wives] came to fight against the Prophet . The Prophet had with him ten thousand men and some of those who reverted to Islam after the Conquest of Makkah who were two thousand men.” [Muslim]
The Prophet exerted great effort to secure the equipment of the army, hence, he asked his cousin, Nawfal bin Al-Haarith bin ‘Abd Al-Muttalib to lend him three thousand spears. He also asked Safwaan bin Umayyah to lend him suits of armor. At that time, Nawfal and Safwaan were still polytheists. It was narrated on the authority of Ya‘laa bin Safwaan bin Umayyah that his father said that the Prophet said to him: “When my messengers come to you, give them thirty suits of armor, and thirty camels.” He asked, “O Messenger of Allah, is this a loan with a guarantee of its return?” He replied: “Yes.” [Abu Daawood] The wording of another narration reads, “The Messenger of Allah asked Safwaan on the day of the Battle of Hunayn to give him some suits of armor. So, he said, ‘Is it by force, O Muhammad?’ The Prophet replied, ‘No, it is a guaranteed loan.’ He said, ‘Some of these suits of armor were lost.’ So, the Messenger of Allah offered him compensation. Then, he said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, I want to embrace Islam today.’” [Abu Daawood] Abu Daawood said that he lent the Prophet these suits of armor before embracing Islam, after which he embraced it.
3-    The steadfastness of the Prophet and its effect on winning the battle:
The Hawaazin reached the valley of Hunayn before the Muslims, and chose their locations. They spread their battalions throughout the narrow passes, turnings and trees of the valley. Their plan was to overtake the Muslims by arrows during their advance into the sloped valley of Hunayn.
The polytheists overtook the Muslims and showered them with arrows from all sides. Consequently, the Muslim rows were disturbed and because of the gravity of the situation, most of the army was overcome and fled seeking safety. The Prophet remained in the company of a few men in the battlefield in the face of the attacks of the polytheists. We shall allow Al-‘Abbaas bin ‘Abd Al-Muttalib, may Allah be pleased with him, to describe this awful scene to us; he said
I was in the company of the Messenger of Allah on the Day of Hunayn. I and Abu Sufyaan bin Al-Haarith stuck to the Messenger of Allah and did not leave him. The Messenger of Allah was riding his white mule. When the Muslims encountered the disbelievers, the Muslims fled, but the Messenger of Allah began to spur his mule towards the disbelievers. I was holding the bridle of the mule of the Messenger of Allah to prevent it from going too fast.
The Messenger of Allah said: “O ‘Abbaas, call the people of Al-Samura.” [Al-‘Abbaas, who was a man with a loud voice, called out at the top of his voice], “Where are the people of Al-Samurah?” [Al-‘Abbaas continued], By Allah, when they heard my voice, they came back [to us] like cows that come back to their calves, and said, “We are here! We are here!” [Al-‘Abbaas said], They then began to fight the disbelievers. Then there was a call to the Ansaar [helpers]. Those [who called out to them] shouted, “O party of the Ansaar! O party of the Ansaar!” The Banu Al-Haarith from the Khazraj were the last to be called. The Messenger of Allah who was riding his mule looked at their fight with his neck stretched forward and he said: “This is the time when the fight is raging hot.” [Muslim]
Allah The Almighty supported His Prophet on the Day of Hunayn with some matters, some of which were:
-       The descent of angels from heaven
-       The weapon of terror
-       The effect of the two handfuls of dust and pebbles in the eyes of the enemies
One of the material weapons with which Allah The Almighty supported His Messenger on the Day of Hunayn was the effect of two handfuls of pebbles and dust that he threw at the faces of the polytheists. These pebbles and dust entered their eyes so that each of them suffered from their effect, and it was one of the causes of their defeat. It was narrated on the authority of Al-‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said,
Then the Messenger of Allah took [some] pebbles and threw them into the faces of the disbelievers. Then he said: “Be defeated, by the Lord of Muhammad.” [Al-‘Abbaas continued], I took a round and saw that the battle was in the same condition in which I had seen it previously. By Allah, it remained in the same condition until he threw the pebbles. I continued to watch until I found that their force had been spent and they began to retreat. [Muslim]

Causes and Events of the Battle of Hunayn and At-Taa’if - II

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