Causes and Events of the Battle of Hunayn and At-Taa’if - II

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Pursuing Those Who Fled to Awtaas and At-Taa’if

A- It was narrated on the authority of Abu Moosa Al-Ash‘ari, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said
When the Prophet was finished with the Battle of Hunayn, he sent Abu ‘Aamir at the head of an army to Awtaas. He [Abu ‘Aamir] met Durayd bin As-Simmah and killed him, and Allah defeated his companions. The Prophet sent me with Abu 'Aamir. Abu ‘Aamir was shot in his knee with an arrow by a man from Jusham. I went to him and said, “O Uncle, who shot you?”He pointed to his killer, saying, “That is my killer who shot me [with an arrow].” So I headed towards him and overtook him, and when he saw me, he fled. I followed him and started saying to him, “Are you not ashamed? Will you not stop?” So he stopped and we exchanged two blows with our swords and I killed him. Then, I said to Abu ‘Aamir, “Allah killed your killer.” He said, “Take out this arrow.” So, I removed it, and fluid oozed out of the wound. He then said, “O nephew, convey my greetings to the Prophet, and ask him to ask Allah to forgive me.” Abu ‘Aamir made me his successor in commanding the people [i.e. troops]. He survived for a short while, and then died.
Later, I returned and visited the Prophet at his house and found him lying on a bed made of the stalks of date-palm leaves knitted with ropes, and on it there was some bedding. The strings of the bed left, marks on his back and sides. I told the Prophet about what had happened and that Abu ‘Aamir had said, “Ask him to ask Allah to forgive me.” The Prophet asked for water, performed ablution and then raised his hands saying: “O Allah, forgive 'Ubayd Abu ‘Aamir!” I saw then the whiteness of the Prophet's armpits. The Prophet then said: “O Allah, make him [i.e. Abu ‘Aamir] on the Day of Judgment, superior to many of Your human creatures.” I said, “Would you ask Allah to forgive me, too?” [On that] the Prophet said: “O Allah, forgive the sins of ‘Abdullaah bin Qays, and admit him to a noble entrance [i.e. Paradise] on the Day of Judgment.” [Abu Burdah, the son of Abu Moosa, said, “One of the supplications was for Abu ‘Aamir and the other was for Abu Moosa (i.e. ‘Abdullaah bin Qays)].” [Al-Bukhari]
B-   Besieging those who fled to At-Taa’if: the Prophet besieged the people of At-Taa’if and used various methods of fighting and besieging. He consulted his Companions, chose the best place to besiege them and used psychological warfare and propaganda against the enemies. Some of these methods were:
1-    Using a new method in fighting: During his siege of At-Taa’if, the Prophet used new weapons that he had not used before. These weapons were:
-         The catapult: it was proven that the Prophet used this weapon when he besieged the fort of Thaqeef in At-Taa’if. It was narrated on the authority of Mak’hool that he said, “The Prophet set up a catapult against the people of At-Taa’if.” [Abu Daawood] The catapult is a heavy weapon that has a significant effect. Its stones demolish forts and towers, and its bombs burn houses and camps. This weapon needs a number of soldiers to work it.
-         Ad-Dabbaabah (Fort-destroyer): This is a heavy weapon that the Prophet used for the first time during his siege of At-Taa’if. It is like a very small house made of wood. It is used as a means of protection from the enemy’s arrows when the soldiers demolish the walls of the fort. When the soldiers are inside it, its roof would save them from the enemy’s arrows.
-         Caltrops (wooden spikes): This was a new weapon that the Prophet used in his siege of At-Taa’if. It consists of two wooden spikes which are fixed in the form of a cross forming four pointed tips. When it is thrown on the ground, one of the tips remains protruding causing pedestrians and horses to stumble. Accordingly, it reduces the speed that is required in the battlefield.
Historians of prophetic biography and battles mentioned that the Messenger of Allah used this weapon in his siege of the people of At-Taa’if as he ordered the soldiers to throw many of them around the fort of Thaqeef. This is an indication for the leaders of the Ummah (Muslim nation) in particular, and for the Muslims in general, to continually think about how to utilize all new ideas and inventions in order to achieve benefit for the Ummah in this worldly life and the Hereafter and ward off the enemies’ evil.
2-     Choosing a suitable place for fighting: The army camped in an exposed place near the fort. No sooner had the army dismounted than they were showered by arrows. Consequently, many people were injured. So, Al-Hubaab bin Al-Munthir, may Allah be pleased with him, suggested to the Prophet to change this location and camp in a safer place away from the arrows of the people of At-Taa’if.
The Prophet accepted his opinion and asked Al-Hubaab, may Allah be pleased with him, because of his military experience, to look for a suitable place. He looked for a suitable place, found it and returned to the Prophet telling him about it. The Prophet ordered his army to move to the new place.
‘Amr bin Umayyah Adh-Dhamri, may Allah be pleased with him, described this scene when he said
We were attacked by a huge number of their arrows once we dismounted, as if they were locusts. We avoided them with our shields, but many Muslims were injured. The Messenger of Allah called Al-Hubaab and said: “Look for a high place away from these people.” Al-Hubaab went out until he reached the place where the At-Taa’if Mosque [currently known as the Mosque of Ibn ‘Abbaas] was later built, outside the village. Then, he came back to the Prophet telling him about this location. The Prophet then ordered the army to move to that place.
3-    Using psychological warfare and propaganda: When the resistance of the people of At-Taa’if became staunch and they killed some Muslims, the Prophet ordered that the orchards of grapes and trees in the suburbs of At-Taa’if should be burnt so as to exert pressure on Thaqeef. Then, he ordered his soldiers to stop this after affecting the morale and weakening the spirit of resistance and after the people of Thaqeef had appealed to him to stop doing so for the sake of Allah The Almighty and kinship. The Prophet made a declaration for the slaves of At-Taa’if that anyone who would come out of the fort and join the Muslims would be free. Accordingly, twenty-three slaves, including Abu Bakrah Ath-Thaqafi, may Allah be pleased with him, came out and embraced Islam. The Prophet set them all free and did not return them to Thaqeef after they had become Muslims.
4-    Wisdom behind ending the siege: The wisdom of the Messenger of Allah behind ending the siege was that the area surrounding At-Taa’if became under the sovereignty of the Muslim state. They derived their strength only from being in their forts. Accordingly, the experienced leader saw that laying the siege and lifting it amounted to the same thing. The Prophet consulted his Companions regarding the siege. Nawfal bin Mu‘aawiyah Ad-Deeli, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “[They are like] a fox in its den, if you wait for it, you will seize it. If you leave it, it will not harm you.”
The Prophet thus, ordered ‘Umar bin Al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him, to declare among the people that they would depart the following day. The people were annoyed and said, “Should we depart without having conquered At-Taa’if?” The Prophet said: “Make a raid in the morning.” They made a raid in the morning and were injured. The Messenger of Allah said: “We will return tomorrow, if Allah wills.” The people were pleased with this and responded. They departed while the Prophet was smiling. [Muslim]
When they mounted their riding animals, he said: “Say, Aayiboon, taa’iboon, ‘aabidoon, lirabbina haamidoon [We are returning with repentance and worshipping and praising our Lord].” It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, supplicate Allah against Thaqeef.” He said: “O Allah, guide Thaqeef and bring them [to us].”

Causes and Events of the Battle of Hunayn and At-Taa’if - I

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