IAEA: Iran boosts nuclear work

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Iran's total production of low-enriched uranium has risen by around 15 per cent since May to reach 2.8 tons, according to a restricted UN report.

The report, obtained by news agencies on Monday, said that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a Vienna-based UN agency, remained concerned about possible activity in Iran to develop a nuclear payload for a missile.
"Iran has estimated that, between February 9 2010 and August 20 2010 ... 22 kilograms or UF6 enriched up to 20 per cent has been produced" at its pilot fuel enrichment plant in Natanz, the report said.
Despite four rounds of UN sanctions, Iran is continuing to enrich uranium at its plant in Natanz.
UN inspectors barred
Iran says it needs the 20 per cent enriched uranium for a research reactor that makes radioisotopes for medical purposes, but the West fears the material is ultimately intended for a nuclear weapon.
The IAEA also voiced concern about what it called Iran's "repeated objection to the designation of experienced inspectors hampers the inspection process and detracts from the agency's ability to implement safeguards in Iran."
"[It] thereby detracts from the agency's capability to implement effective and efficient safeguards in Iran."
The complaint follows Iran's recent decision to strip two experienced inspectors of the right to monitor Tehran's nuclear activities after they reported undeclared nuclear experiments conducted by Tehran.
According to Iran, the reporting by the two experts was inaccurate. But the IAEA said it had "full confidence in the professionalism and impartiality of the inspectors concerned, as it has in all of its inspectors."
The report is being circulated to the IAEA's 35-nation board and to the UN Security Council.
The reactor building at the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran, August 2010.

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