The Water of Zamzam

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It is the best water on earth. It is also the most ancient water on earth because it was discovered about five thousand years ago. According to laboratory analysis, it is the most pure water on earth. Moreover, it functions as food and as a cure for diseases as mentioned by the Prophet, . In addition, it is found in the most sacred place on earth. Is there any other source of water on earth that can rival its virtues?

The existence of water in this barren valley was an honor that Allah The Almighty bestowed upon Ismaa‘eel (Ishmael), may Allah exalt his mention, and his mother Haajar (Hagar), may Allah exalt their mention, and for everyone who inhabits or visits this blessed City of Makkah. This water is a reason for the prosperity and life of Makkah and one of the manifest signs in the Holy Sanctuary.
The well of Zamzam was once near the Ka'bah and visible over the ground for it is only about 21 meters away from the Ka'bah. When the numbers of people making Tawaaf (circumambulation) increased, there was a necessity to expand the path of Tawaaf. Hence, the well became underground, accessible through a basement under the path of Tawaaf and people used to go into and out of it. Recently this basement was closed and faucets where people can drink Zamzam water were set up out of the Tawaaf path. Some virtues of Zamzam water are mentioned in the following Hadeeths (narrations):
·        The Prophet, , said about the water of Zamzam: "It is blessed, and it serves as food." [Muslim]
·        “The Best water on earth is the water of Zamzam. It serves as food and heals from illness.” [Ibn Hibbaan; As-Suyooti: Hasan]
·        Jaabir, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, , said: “The water of Zamzam is for whatever purpose it is drunk for.” [Ahmad, Ibn Maajah and Al-Bayhaqi; Ibn Al-Qayyim in Zaad Al-Ma‘aad: Hasan]
According to the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition), one should say “Bismillaah (in the Name of Allah)” before drinking, “Al-Hamdulillaah (Praise be to Allah)” after drinking, taking breath three times outside the utensil while drinking, drinking to one’s fill and supplicating Allah The Almighty for the good of the worldly life and the Hereafter.
These are some Hadeeths about the virtue of Zamzam clarifying its goodness and blessings. So, dear pilgrim, be keen on drinking to your fill from Zamzam water and to supplicate Allah The Almighty with whatever goodness that you wish for in the worldly life and the Hereafter. 

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