Common Mistakes in the First Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah - II

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Secondly: Mistakes made on the Day of ‘Arafah

1- Abandoning fasting:
It should be taken into consideration that the Day of ‘Arafah is the best day of the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah, and abandoning fasting of that day is a mistake that many of those who are not granted success to do righteous deeds commit. It was narrated on the authority of Abu Qataadah Al-Ansaari, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, , was asked about the reward of fasting the day of ‘Arafah and he said: "It expiates sins of the past year and the coming year." [Muslim]
This is prescribed for those who are not pilgrims of Hajj. As for pilgrims of Hajj, they are forbidden to observe fasting during that day.
2- Neglecting or abandoning supplication:
Most people make very little supplication and some do not supplicate at all. This is a grave mistake, because one who neglects supplication on that day deprives oneself from the advantage of supplication during the Day of ‘Arafah. In a Hadeeth, the Messenger of Allah, , said: "The best supplication is that of the Day of ‘Arafah, and the best thing that I and other prophets before me said, is: 'Laa illaaha illallaahu wahdahu la shareeka lahu lahul mulk wa lahul hamd wa huwa ‘ala kuli sha’in qadeer (There is no deity but Allah,  Alone and there Has not partners, sovereignty and praise belong to him, and Over all things He Is Omnipotent)." [Maalik]
Commenting on this Hadeeth, Ibn ‘Abdul Barr said, "The Hadeeth indicates that supplication on the Day of ‘Arafah is better than supplication on other days. This also indicates the excellence of that day over other days. This stands as evidence that some days are better than others. Nevertheless, this is not realized unless there is a relevant Sharee'ah text, such as excellence of Friday, ‘Aashooraa’ (the tenth day of Muharram), the day of ‘Arafah as well as Mondays and Thursdays. None of this is realized by analogy or reasoning. The Hadeeth stands as evidence that supplication on the day of ‘Arafah is most hopeful to be answered, and that the best Thikr is: "Laa illaaha illallaahu (there is no God but Allah)." [At-Tamheed]
Thirdly: Mistakes made on the Day of Nahr
1- Not to go to the place of 'Eed prayer:
Some Muslims  do not go the place of 'Eed prayer, particularly youths. This is a mistake, because this day is one of the greatest days in the Sight of Allah The Almighty. On the authority of ‘Abdullaah bin Qurt, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet, , said: "The greatest day to Allah is the day of Nahr and then the day of Qarr (the 11th day of Thul-Hijjah)." [Abu Daawood]
2- Putting on unclean or old clothes on the day of 'Eed:
Some Muslims go out to the place of 'Eed prayer with unclean clothes under the pretext that they would shave their head, clip their fingers, take a bath and apply perfume after slaughtering the Udh-hiyah (the 'Eed sacrificial animal). This is a mistake, because a Muslim should follow the example of the Messenger of Allah, , and go out in a good appearance and new, perfumed clothes. On the authority of Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah, , used to put on the best clothes on the two 'Eeds. According to some of the righteous predecessors, it is authentically proven that the Prophet, , used to perform Ghusl for 'Eed. [Fat-hul-Baari and Al-Mughnee]
3- Eating before performing the 'Eed prayer:
This is against the Sunnah of the Prophet, , because it is an act of Sunnah on 'Eed Al-Adh-ha that one should not eat unless he has slaughtered his sacrifice. `Abdullah bin Buraydah narrated on the authority of his father, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said: "The Messenger of Allah used not to go out on the day of ('Eed) Al-Fitr until  he ate, and he used not to eat on the day of ('Eed) Al-Adh-ha until he performed prayer ."
Ibn Al-Qayyim said, "On the day of 'Eed Al-Adh-ha, the Prophet used not to eat unless he had returned from prayer, then he would eat from his Udh-hiyah." [Zaad Al-Ma‘aad]
4- Not to perform the 'Eed prayer in congregation:
Some Muslims do not perform the 'Eed prayer in congregation under the pretext that it is just an act of Sunnah, not an obligation. It is true that this prayer is an act of Sunnah, not an obligation; nevertheless, a Muslim should not abandon it if he is able to perform it.  'Eed prayer is one of the Islamic rituals that should be performed by all Muslims; old and young, men and women. A person who abandons it without a Sharee'ah-approved justification has committed a grave mistake.
5- Abandoning the 'Eed's Khutbah (sermon):
It is a mistake to neglect the 'Eed Khutbah. A Muslim should listen to the Khutbah due to its great excellence.
6- Abandoning the Sunnah regarding going to prayer from one road and returning from another road:
The Prophet, , used to go to the 'Eed prayer through one road and return from another road. Some Muslims do not give importance to this act of Sunnah and this is a mistake.
7- Abandoning the 'Eed greeting:
It is a mistake to neglect greeting Muslims on the day of 'Eed. It is recommended under Sharee'ah for Muslims to exchange visits, gather and greet each other on the occasion of 'Eed. During 'Eed, one could greet other Muslims saying, for example,  "May Allah accept from us and from you" or similar statements which include no Sharee'ah violations.
8- Visiting graves on the day of 'Eed:
Some Muslims visit the graves on the day of 'Eed  in order to greet a dead father or relative. This is a grave mistake, because visiting graves on such a good day is an innovated practice that has no grounds in the Sharee’ah of Islam. The Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, did not do this, although they were the forerunners to do righteous deeds. The Messenger of Allah, , said: "[A person] who innovates in our matter (i.e. religion) anything that does not belong to it, it will be rejected." [Muslim]
The Prophet, , said: "Do not make my grave [a place for] 'Eed" [Abu Daawood]. Shaykhul-Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah explained the meaning of the word "'Eed" in this Hadeeth ,  as  referring to doing something on certain occasions, or particular times of the year, month or weak, and to repeat that act with the return of that occasion or particular day or season. Shaykh-ul- Islam added saying that a person who has it as habit to visit a grave on a certain time of the year, after 'Eed prayer every year, for example, has disobeyed the Prophetic commandment expressed by the Hadeeth. Shaykh-ul- Islam further explained that a person who does this has  introduced an innovated practice in our religion, because the Messenger of Allah, , neither did that nor commanded us to do that; hence, doing that practice, thinking it to be an act of obedience,  contradicts the guidance of the Prophet, ." 

Common Mistakes in the First Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah - I

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