Purifying the Soul by Shunning Arrogance

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A Muslim should be humble but not humiliated, and proud but without arrogance. Humility and arrogance are dispraised iniquitousmanners and qualities which are shunned in Islam and unacceptable amongst people. 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet said: “He who has as little as the weight of an ant of arrogance will not enter Paradise" [Muslim]

Pilgrims, whilst in this great gathering on Mount 'Arafah on the Day of 'Arafah, they all have the same dress, whether they are kings, princes or subjects. They all look alike, having uncovered heads and their hands are raised to the sky in humility to Allah The Almighty supplicating and imploring Him. They all exert great efforts in mentioning Allah The Almighty and imploring Him for forgiveness. Their only concern is to win the pleasure of Allah The Almighty and to be admitted into Paradise. None of them acts arrogantly with others.
The Prophet used to translate this practically in the way he uttered the special Talbiyah of Hajj. Anas,may Allah be pleased with him, narrated: "The Prophet's Talbiyah was to say: “Labbayka Hajjan Haqqan, Ta'abudan Wa Riqqan (In response to Your call oh Allah I sincerely perform Hajj; I perform it out of servitude to You as an act of worship" [Al-Bazzaar]
The person who turns his cheek [in contempt] toward people with pride and walks through the earth exultantly and arrogantly; indeed such person does not understand or comprehend this great lesson.
Islam encouraged people to purify and cleanse their souls and free themselves from the slavery of stinginess and pride. Islam instructs people to spend in charity to the poor and the needy and give them their due right in the obligatory alms (Zakah), and then encouraged people to send in optional charity and be extra kind to such people. In return, Islam promised great rewards for those who adhere to this and put it into practice.
 During Hajj, people need provision for their hearts that would help them go through this great and difficult act of worship. Therefore, people are encouraged to send in optional charity and feed the poor from the sacrificial animal they slaughter in Hajj, as in the Saying of Allah The Almighty (which means): {"… So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor…"}[Quran 22:28]
The pilgrim adheres to this and feeds the poor and the needy out of practicing servitude to Allah The Almighty and in hope of reaching the state of piety, as in the Saying of Allah (which means): {"Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you"}[Quran 22:37]
The Prophet, , emphasized this point; Buraydah,may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, , said: “Indeed, spending charity during Hajj is like spending during Jihaad, each reward is multiplied up to seven hundred multiples" [Ahmad and Al-Bayhaqi]
The one who refrains from spending in charity on the poor, the needy, his relatives and neighbors and acts stingily and deprives them from things that benefit them, he who does so certainly does not understand the great lesson and important instruction of the Prophet, . The one who buys defective or old animals to sacrifice during Hajj (because they are less expensive) and acts stingily certainly did not understand the great lesson and important instruction of the Prophet, .
When one offers a gift to someone he dearly loves, he looks for the best gift to offer. Likewise, this sacrificial animal is offered as a way to express servitude and love towards Allah and thus should be chosen from amongst the best animals to truly express such love and servitude to Allah The Almighty.

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