Leave a Trace

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Many people pass by in this life and then move away and became among the bygones. Among those, the footprints of some have completely disappeared and if you try to follow them, you would find nothing. This is because they did not walk on a definite path, for they had neither purpose nor aim. However, the footprints of others are still prominent and their trails brilliant, appealing to the beholders. Although they have passed away, their good mention remains. That is because they insisted on leaving a mark.

"Every human being has an existence and a legacy (to leave); and his existence does not serve a purpose without his trace. The trace he leaves indicates the value of his existence." [Dr. ‘Ali Al-Hammaadi]

Allah The Almighty created people to worship Him (Alone as confirmed in His Statement what means): {And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me} [Quran 51:56] and for this purpose, He subjected to them all that is in existence (as stated in His Saying what means): {And He has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth - all from Him: Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought} [Quran 45:13]. Thus, the main task of man as a vicegerent on earth is to worship Allah The Almighty and benefit from all those powers subjugated to him for the sake of worship. That is to say, making a mark in life and making a positive contribution to the world are among the main tasks of mankind in this world.

As the last divine message, the compendium of divine teachings, and the method approved by Allah The Almighty for humankind throughout the ages, until He inherits the earth and all that is on it, Islam encompasses in its principles, laws and ordinances all the means that ensure that humanity achieves the happiness of both abodes (of the world and the Hereafter). Islam covers all areas of life, keeping in mind the human constitution and people's needs, in an integrated structure which combines both the spiritual and the moral on the one hand, and making something of one's life on the other hand. Thus, a Muslim realizes the raison d'être for his existence and mission on earth, which includes, of course, to leave his imprint in the register of builders.

Are you among the living?

How easy it is for the answer to this question to readily trip off our tongues! But if man is really living, then, what is the sign of his being among the ranks of the living? Neither eating, nor drinking, nor sleeping, nor any such process could stand as proof of life. The living should have a mark to leave.

The life of a person is devoid of meaning and value if he remains sedentary and motionless, in the depth of stillness. Ar-Raafi‘i, the litterateur, expressed this sentiment in his statement: "If you make no addition to life, then you will be but a worthless addition to it." [Wahy Al-Qalam: Mustafa Saadiq Ar-Raafi‘i] Whoever fails to create for himself a trace to leave behind when he dies, is just like the "Men who are born, then live then die" as put by Al-Hakeem, without leaving anything to be recorded about him by history other than the words: birth, life and death.

On the contrary, the efficient believer who knows well the value of living a purposeful and constructive life always seeks to leave his mark on it. Efficiency is to obtain benefit from what is in our hands. Allah The Almighty has subjected to us the land, the sea, animals and plants, and endowed us with time (to do what we like). The efficient person is he who makes use of his living moments. For this reason, on the Day of Judgment, man will be questioned about his lifetime: what did he spend it in.

The hoopoe, the tutor:Has the news of the hoopoe of Solomon reached you? One day, Prophet Sulaymaan (Solomon), may Allah exalt his mention, gathered his soldiers from men, Jinn, birds and wild animals, but he missed the hoopoe (as mentioned by Allah The Almighty what means): {And he took attendance of the birds and said, "Why do I not see the hoopoe - or is he among the absent?} [Quran 27:20] He then threatened to punish him saying (what means): {"I will surely punish him with a severe punishment or slaughter him unless he brings me clear authorization."} [Quran 27:21] 

But it was not long before the hoopoe came to Sulaymaan, may Allah exalt his mention, in the same assembly and said (what means): {"I have encompassed [in knowledge] that which you have not encompassed, and I have come to you from Sheba with certain news."} [Quran 27:22] In this way, he aroused his curiosity to know the story, then told him what confirmed that certain news; and this goes indicates the hoopoe's tact and mastery of the arts of speech.

Then, he told him in detail (what means): {Indeed, I found [there] a woman ruling them, and she has been given of all things, and she has a great throne.} [Quran 27:23] He started with a rousing introduction to stimulate the interest of the listener, and then told him about the serious matter that kept him from attendance, saying (what means): {"I found her and her people prostrating to the sun instead of Allah, and Satan has made their deeds pleasing to them and averted them from [His] way, so they are not guided."} [Quran 27:24]

 In this manner he raised the issue of polytheism, the heinous crime and most grievous sin to be committed on the surface of the earth. What a wonderful trait in the hoopoe, to be concerned with reform! He did not excuse himself on the grounds of his being incompetent for religious assignments, nor upon the claim that he was too weak to change falsehood. Rather, he found a role for himself, which was to notify others about this odious incident of polytheism.

Since this hoopoe was positive and proactive, and liked to leave a trace, he did not satisfy himself with mere notification. He ascertained the even way, which is to affirm the oneness of Allah The Almighty, and not to ascribe to Him any partner (in worship): {"[And] so they do not prostrate to Allah, Who brings forth what is hidden within the heavens and the earth and Knows what you conceal and what you declare -- Allah -- there is no deity except Him, Lord of the Great Throne."} [Quran 27:25-26]

An ant gives life to a whole nation (of ants)

This was the wonderful ant whose mention has also been immortalized (in the Quran) by virtue of its good deed and positive conduct. The story is mentioned with the story of Sulaymaan, may Allah exalt his mention, who was taught the language of the birds. Sulaymaan, may Allah exalt his mention, was marching with his soldiers: {Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, "O ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not."}[Quran 27:18]

You have the right to wonder at this ant, which had a good assumption when it said: {while they perceive not."} You may also wonder at its eagerness to do something positive, and not to rely on negative surrender. It warned its people, without caring about its small size, not submitting to the obsession of failure to neglect notifying or warning, and not acting upon the adage: “After me, the deluge”.

Similar to it is the story of the bee, which is the best example for work, devotion and relentless activity, such that at the end of its effort it produces delicious honey.

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