“They are Suffering as you are Suffering” - II

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The achievements of the Intifaadhah (resistance) are not confined to the steadfastness of the resistance and its readiness to fight again with stronger determination, but they go beyond this to reach the collapse of the enemy’s morale and its economy. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And do not weaken in pursuit of the enemy. If you should be suffering - so are they suffering as you are suffering, but you expect from Allah that which they expect not.}[Quran 4:104]

The impact on Israel has many levels and types: ‎
Zionist economic losses:
If we consider the economic losses, represented in cold statistics, as preferred by some people, then we can confirm that the Israeli economy has lost billions of dollars due to the Intifaadhah in addition to hundreds of lives. The Zionist entity also loses millions of dollars monthly as a result of recruiting reserve forces, and the growth rates witnessed a significant decline because of the blessed Intifaadhah. Likewise, Israeli airlines face bankruptcy as a result of the relative and significant decline in the number of flights. On the other hand, construction projects lose millions of dollars monthly because Palestinian workers have refrained from working inside the Zionist entity since the eruption of the recent resistance movement.
Israeli revenue and income declined significantly in all fields. The market movement declined by 50 percent and tourism losses were more than one million dollars every month. All these figures are based on reports of the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics.
Fear and terror:
If we add the terror of the Zionist colonists, despite the massive military machine that protects them, and their fear of anything that carries Palestinian countenances or even an Arab odor to the severe economic losses, the manifestations of the Israeli defeat and fear become clearer.
This climate does not encourage life in its simplest forms; rather, it paralyzes production, destroys the will to settle and construct and increases the rate of immigration or “escape” if we want to be specific.
This condition indicates the increasing “Zionist suffering” in correlation with the Palestinian suffering and even at a faster pace. That is because the Palestinians are disposed by nature to resistance, and they will lose nothing if they fight and resist, because this has been their everyday practice for about a century.
Resistance will not cost the Palestinians anything and they will lose nothing except the shackles of the humiliating settlement to which the Palestinian Authority clings and tries to resume in a pathetic manner.
If we continue to follow the same approach, we will find that the Intifaadhah (resistance) has inspired not only the Palestinians, but also the Arab and Muslim peoples. The Intifaadhah and the heroic Palestinian acts awakened the Islamic nation in an unprecedented way.
This awakening evolved to include boycotting Western, and specifically US, products. The USA lost about $200 million in one month only. This disappointed and even surprised the US decision makers. If we knew that the Egyptian and Gulf markets represented 80 percent of the boycotters, and the affected US companies, then we would recognize the great significance of the awakening triggered by the Intifaadhah.
In addition to the economic boycott, peaceful demonstrations took place almost every day in all Arab capitals, particularly the capitals of the major political settlements (Cairo and Oman). These spontaneous and public demonstrations sought to convey the message that the Palestinian cause is an Arab cause in the first place. The demonstrations were accompanied by blood and money donation campaigns and even volunteers to fight for it.
The martyrdom of an Egyptian young man, Milad Al-Abisi, resident of Naj’ Al-Fishinat, an unknown small village in Egypt, represents living evidence of the conscience of the Egyptian people and their conviction that the Palestinian cause is their own, which also applies to all Arab countries.
The Intifaadhah brought the conflict back to the first square, the square of resistance of existence rather than borders, and the square of the principle that what was taken by force over the past century will be restored only by force. This delivers another important message that Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, and Palestine is the political Qiblah (center) of the Ummah (Muslim nation), just as Makkah is its religious Qiblah (direction of prayer). It is a message confirming that there is no true Islam or Arabism without Palestine.
Simply put, the Intifaadhah and resistance have awakened all that the humiliating political agreements, since the first Camp David Accord in 1979 C.E. to the second Camp David Accord in 2000 C.E., tried to kill and erase.
The Intifaadhah revived the memory of the conflict, and this revival comes at a price, but this can never be achieved through the option of negotiations, which is considered political suicide in the true sense of the word for whoever adopts or even accepts it.
The Intifaadhah that achieved all this has not been routed. 

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