Worship Allah The Almighty by keeping your children clean

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None of us can  resist the innocence of adorable young children. Once we see them, we take them in our arms, carry, embrace and kiss them, hence, filling ourselves with love and delight which Allah The Almighty instilled in the favor of children. Every time we see them, our happiness is refreshed and we feel pleased.  This only becomes perfect when the children are clean and tidy.

In summer, children engage in greater amusement and play, which makes their clothes dirty. Some mothers may slacken in cleaning their children up under the pretext of difficulty, particularly if the family has more than one child.

It has been the habit of righteous women -- especially the leading female Companions, may Allah be pleased with them -- and men in all ages to keep their children clean.   Faatimah, may Allah be pleased with her, the daughter of the Prophet, , cared for the cleanliness and tidiness of her sons, Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn, may Allah be pleased with them. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him that he said,

I set out in the company of the Prophet during the day. Neither did he talk to me nor I to him till he reached the market of Bani Qaynuqaa‘ and then he sat in the compound of Faatimah's house, may Allah be pleased with her, and asked about the young boy (his grandson Al-Hasan, may Allah be pleased with him) but Faatimah, may Allah be pleased with her, kept the boy in for a while. She was either changing his clothes or bathing him. After a while the boy came out running. The Prophet and he embraced and kissed each other." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

When we rear our children and habituate them to cleanliness, it should not be considered only as a good habit in so much as an act of worship to Allah The Almighty with observing one of the rites of Islam. We should continually remind the child of this concept, and connect cleanliness to its faith-enhancing effect on a person who observes it. We can bring our children up to the habits of cleanliness by doing the following:

1- Teaching the child that acts of worship in Islam are based on physical and spiritual cleanliness

In order for a person to enter the religion of Islam, he should, first of all, take a ritual bath before he utters the two testimonies of faith. Then, he should perform the prayer, which requires purification before it -- either with Ghusl (ritual bath) or Wudhoo' (ablution). The meaning of the Arabic word “Zakah” (obligatory charity) is originally purity and increment. Fasting purifies both the soul and the body. Hajj requires outward and inward purification. In this way, a Muslim servant continues to be in physical and spiritual purity. Cleanliness is the basic system and a fundamental part of religion.

2- Connecting the child with Allah The Almighty, by revealing to him the fact that Allah The Almighty loves purification and those who purify themselves. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves.} [Quran 2:222]

For this reason, as long as he maintains his cleanliness, he will draw closer to Allah The Almighty and He will love him more. The caregiver could also connect the child with the dominion of the unseen, i.e., the world of the pure angels, who always love pleasant smells and dislike any nasty smell. In the Hadeeth (narration) that forbids going to the mosque for someone who smells of garlic or onion, the Messenger of Allah, said: "Indeed, angels are harmed with what harms humans." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] This means that the angels do not like uncleanliness and offensive smells.

3- Setting an example for the child to follow, beginning with the Prophet, . The Messenger of Allah, was the best role model for all Muslims concerning perfect appearance and cleanliness of body and clothes. He is the most perfect man created by Allah The Almighty. According to Ibn Al-Jawzi "The characteristics of the Messenger of Allah show how perfect he was in his knowledge and deeds. The Prophet is the role model to be followed, as his characteristics and attributes are the best for all people. The Prophet was the cleanest, and the most pleasant-smelling among all people. He hardly ever left the Siwaak. He would not let any unpleasant smell be detected from him." [Sayd Al-Khaatir]

In another account of the cleanliness of the Prophet, , and his great care for it Imaam At-Tirmithi said, "The Messenger of Allah might fasten a stone on his belly out of severe hunger, but he never gave up wearing perfume. He used to look after his affairs and would always keep a mirror nearby, a Siwaak (tooth stick) and a clipper whether travelling or at home. Before meeting anyone, he would look at a pot of water and his beard and hair, saying: "Verily, Allah is Beautiful and He likes beauty." The Messenger of Allah, , said a Muslim must perform Ghusl (ritual bath) at least once every week. The Prophet, , said: "It is the right of Allah The Almighty on every Muslim to bathe at least once in seven days." [Al-Bukhari]

4- Habituating young children to the ways of cleanliness and making them practice it regularly and continually, such as to bathe regularly, to keep the clothes clean, to be tidy and clean whether in the house, in the house of his relatives or in public places.

5- A child should have durable, dark-colored clothes for exercising and playing. He should not be punished for making them dirty or even tearing them while playing. However, a child must be directed to keep all his other clothes, which he wears at home or when going out, clean. He should be punished in the event of negligence. A child may be asked to clean dirt off his clothes  by himself. In this way, he will learn to be  responsible for his mistakes, if he makes any.

6- A child who has attained the age of discernment and performs prayer with his father or elder brother in the Masjid (mosque), should be habituated to perform Ghusl (ritual bath) on Friday and put on the best of his clothes for it, as it is valid under Sharee‘ah, and it is also a day of ‘Eed for all Muslims.

7- Guiding the discerning child to care for his appearance, as it leaves a good impression on others, particularly on the important occasions like the ‘Eeds, Fridays, receiving guests or visiting people. While bidding farewell to his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, whom he sent them to Yemen to teach Islam to the people, the Messenger of Allah, , recommended them saying: "You will come to your brothers; so, be distinguished among people." [Abu Daawood]

8- Observing balance when habituating children to cleanliness and purification without obsession, lest this lead the child to be obsessive about cleanliness. The parents' conduct in this respect should be moderate and balanced.

Finally, perhaps many of us do not care about the cleanliness of our children. But from now on, let us add to the good habit the good intention to worship Allah The Almighty through the cleanliness of our boys and girls, for our children to look tidy and graceful.  

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