Hamas founder appears in public despite house arrest

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HIGHLIGHTS: Palestinian Police Flanks Procession Without Intervening|| 'Whoever Defends His Land is Not a Terrorist,' Sheikh Ahmed Yassin||Rally Held to Protest 35th Anniversary of East Jerusalem Annexation But Focused on Protesting Bush's Demand for a New Palestinian Leadership Instead|| STORY: The spiritual leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, defied his house arrest order and took part in an anti-US march in Gaza Strip. (Read photo caption)

Yassin, officially placed under house arrest four days ago by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, sat in the passenger seat of a jeep, while six armed bodyguards surrounded the vehicle on foot. More than 1,000 people marched in the anti-US rally to the center of Gaza City, including activists from Hamas, the smaller Islamic Jihad group and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

Palestinian police flanked the protesters but did not intervene.

Yassin reiterated on Friday that "no one informed me of the house arrest", in a brief statement to reporters at the demonstration. Senior Hamas leader Ismail Abu Shanab also told AFP in Gaza that the movement was "not afraid" police would harm their spiritual leader.

"We are here to say that we will sacrifice our souls and blood for Jerusalem," said Yassin. "Whoever defends his land is not a terrorist. America supports terrorism."

The march was held to protest at the 35th anniversary of East Jerusalem's annexation by Israel but used to denounce US President George W. Bush's demand that the Palestinians elect a new leadership "not compromised by terror" in exchange for US support for an independent Palestinian state.

Ibrahim Abu al-Hijaa, deputy speaker of the Palestinian legislative council, told the protestors that Bush's speech was "a cover for Zionist terrorism and the war that (Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon is launching against our people. "Bush has given Sharon's government the right to invade our towns and villages and destroy our institutions," he said, adding that the Palestinians "refused orders from abroad".

Demonstrators held up placards rejecting Bush's demands, and some carried huge Palestinian flags and portraits of Arafat.

"Yes to a democratic nation and elections. No to American pressure," one sign said.


Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, founder of the Islamic militant group Hamas, defies a house arrest ordered on him by the Palestinian Authority by joining hundreds of Palestinians in an anti-US and Israeli rally in Gaza Strip, June 28, 2002. More than 1,500 Palestinians, supporters of various nationalist and Islamic groups, demonstrated to commemorate anniversary of the annexation of Jerusalem by Israel in 1967. REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah

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