Ramadan: An Invaluable Opportunity for the Youth - III

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5 – Night Prayer:

Night Prayer is a confirmed Sunnah (Prophetic tradition), especially in Ramadan.  Taraaweeh prayer is performed in congregation in the mosques on the nights of Ramadan. One should be keen to attend all the Taraaweeh prayers until the Imaam finishes in order to gain the reward of praying the whole night. The Prophet, , said: “If a man prays with the Imaam until he finishes, it will be counted as if he had prayed the whole night.” [Abu Daawood, An-Nasaa’i, At-Tirmithi and Ibn Maajah] [At-Tirmithi: Hasan Saheeh]

6 - Charity:

Charity in Ramadan has extra virtues and merits than in other months. The Prophet, , was especially charitable in Ramadan; he was more generous than the fast wind that brings rain. So be keen on giving charity generously in this month.

7 – Offering fasting people meals to break their fast:

One should be keen to offer meals to fasting people and offer food to the poor and the needy. The Prophet, , said:
“He who gives food to a fasting person to break his fast, will receive the same reward as him.” [Ahmad and At-Trmithi [At-Tirmithi : Saheeh]

8 – Going to the mosques frequently:

Mosques are the b
est places on earth. Therefore, Muslims should strive to attend all the prayers in congregation at the mosque. They should also stay at the mosques waiting for one prayer after the other. They should perform voluntary prayers; for they complete and make up for the deficiency of obligatory ones and entail earning the love of Allah The Almighty. The Prophet, , narrated in a Hadeeth Qudsi (sacred narration): “My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawaafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him.” [Al-Bukhari]

9 – Performing ‘Umrah in Ramadan:

Performing ‘Umrah in Ramadan has a great virtue. The Prophet, , said: Performing ‘Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj – or Hajj with me (in reward). [Al-Bukhari]

10 - The last ten nights of Ramadan:

Dear young man, you should strive in worship during the
last ten nights of Ramadan more than the entire month. According to a narration, With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet used to tighten his girdle (i.e. work hard and strive in worship), and used to pray all night, and used to awaken his family for prayers.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

 11 - The Night of Al-Qadr:

Seek the Night of Al-Qadr in the last ten nights of Ramadan, especially on the odd-numbered nights. Spend those nights in worship; performing prayers, reciting the Quran, Thikr (remembrance of Allah The Almighty), supplication and other such acts of worship. The reward of worship on that night is better than the reward of worship in a thousand months that do not have the Night of Al-Qadr within them.

12 - Lowering one’s gaze:

Lowering the gaze from looking at what is forbidden is an act of worship that only a few Muslims carry out nowadays, so why do you not revive this great act of worship?

13 - Thikr:

Recite Thikr and remember Allah The Exalted at all times. Indeed, those who recite Thikr and remember Allah The Exalted have often won the rewards of both this
world and the Hereafter.

14 - Supplication:

Supplication is the essence of worship. It is the evidence on man’s need for his Lord and submission to Him at all times. Allah The Exalted referred to supplication as “worship” when He Says (what means): {And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible.} [Quran 40:60]

15 – I‘tikaaf:

I‘tikaaf means staying in seclusion in the mosque for the purpose of worshipping Allah The Almighty. Do not waste your days of I‘tikaaf in idle talk or trivial deeds, otherwise, it would have been better if you did not observe I‘tikaaf in the first place!

16 - Food and Drink:

Beware of excess in eating and drinking; this incurs complacency, apathy, and laziness in worship.

17 - Evils that should be avoided:

- Abstaining from smoking during the daytime in Ramadan indicates the strength of your willpower. So why do you not quit smoking altogether throughout the whole day and night?

- Beware of listening to music for it corrupts the heart and fosters frivolity and lack of commendable zeal.

- Make the month of Ramadan an opportunity to free yourself from the captivity of watching TV serials, movies, and trivial contests and programs.

- Beware of excessive joking and laughter; as they engender hardness of the heart and negligence of remembering Allah The Exalted.

- Do not accompany wicked and impious people, because if you accompany them, you will soon be like them.

- The most evil places on earth are the markets; so beware of going there for no need.

- Avoid staying in seclusion or mixing with marriageable women; this is one of the gravest evils that incurs corruption and collective punishments.

- Beware of the evils of the tongue, for they undermine the rewards of fasting. The Prophet, , said: Whoever does not give up false speech and evil actions, Allah Is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)  [Al-Bukhari]

Ramadan: An Invaluable Opportunity for the Youth - I

Ramadan: An Invaluable Opportunity for the Youth - II

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