Blessed Be the Seekers of Forgiveness – I

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The month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for repentance. Indeed, it is known as the month of repentance, which is why we see many people turning to Allah The Almighty in this month. We see mosques full of worshippers, the Book of Allah being recited, people competing in acts of obedience, increasing their charity and doing other good deeds.

However, even if one performs many acts of obedience and deeds which bring one nearer to Allah The Almighty, he will still be negligent in fulfilling the rights of their Lord. For instance, one may mix acts of obedience with acts of disobedience. In this case, they would be in dire need of repentance and seeking forgiveness. It is out of the mercy of Allah The Almighty that He opened the gate to repentance until the sun rises from the West or until the soul reaches the throat (when dying). Ibn Al-Qayyim said explaining the slaves' need to repent and seek forgiveness,

“Compare your deeds and states to the great Majesty of Allah The Almighty, what He deserves and what He is worthy of. If you find they (your deeds) are enough and commensurate with His Greatness, then you will not need repentance. Nonetheless, if you find that your truthfulness, sincerity, returning to Allah The Almighty, reliance upon Him, asceticism and worship, even if endlessly multiplied, do not fulfill the least right of Allah over you and are not equivalent to any of the favors He bestowed upon you, and that what He deserves for His majesty and glory is far greater and loftier than what all creatures can do, you will realize the necessity of repentance.

[You will realize] that it is the end of every knowledgeable person and the aim of every person who pursues the straight path. If there is no way to fulfill true enslavement, then our only hope will be repentance… If it had not been for smelling the breeze of repentance, man, who is made of mud and water, would have lost hope to reach the Lord of the worlds. This would have been the case if man had performed his duties regarding the rights of his Lord. So, how about the heedlessness, negligence, transgression, leniency and favoring one's interests over the rights of the Lord most of the time and that hardly come to an end?” [Madaarij As-Saalikeen]

‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ood narrated that the Prophet said: "The believer sees his sins as if he were sitting under a mountain which, he is afraid, may fall on him; whereas the wicked person considers his sins as flies passing in front of his nose and he just drives them away like this." [Al-Bukhari]

Ibn Hajar said, "Fear prevails over the believer due to his strong faith, so he does not feel secure of the punishment due to his faith. This is the state of the Muslim; always afraid and watchful. He views his good deeds as little and fears the least of his bad deeds." Al-Muhibb At-Tabari said, "This is a quality of the believers for their extreme fear of Allah and His punishment as they are certain of the sin but not certain of forgiveness." [Fat-h Al-Baari: Ibn Hajar]

Therefore, glad tidings to the one whose tongue is always moist with seeking forgiveness. We give him the glad tidings of the Hadeeth (narration) by ‘Abdullah ibn Busr in which the Prophet said: "Blessed is the one who finds in his record of deeds many instances of seeking forgiveness." [Ibn Maajah] [Al Albaani: Saheeh]

It was also narrated on the authority of Az-Zubayr ibn Al-‘Awwaam that the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever likes his record of deeds to please him, he should ask for forgiveness a lot." [Al-Bayhaqi] [Al Albaani: Hasan]

In addition, Abu Al-Minhaal said, "There is no neighbor in the grave which is dearer to the slave than asking for forgiveness." [Jaami‘ Al-‘Uloom wal Hikam]

To be continued …


Blessed Be the Seekers of Forgiveness – II

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