Loss of Appetite after Breaking the Fast and the Effect of Tea on Blood Pressure

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 Assalaamu ‘Alaykum
May Allah bless the month of Ramadan for you.
First, kindly advise me regarding the reason behind my loss of appetite at the time of Iftaar in Ramadan. I suffer a loss of appetite at the time of breaking the fast and do not feel like eating anything except after many hours. Sometimes I do not have a good appetite to the extent that I do not partake in the pleasure of having Iftaar with others. However, I feel better after praying Taraaweeh and drinking water and other drinks, especially if I urinate a lot.
The second question is: What is the effect of drinking tea on blood pressure? Does it cause nervousness or tension? A while ago, I started to feel that my heartbeats are increasing during a certain period especially when I go to sleep; a matter that affects my sleep and my temper as well. Does drinking tea and other drinks have anything to do with this or is not having enough sleep the reason for high blood pressure and tension?
Sometimes I suffer from this after eating any meal, but I think that this is because of drinking tea as I drink nearly 8 cups of tea without sugar.
Please advise, may Allah bless you.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful
Dear brother,
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum
May Allah bless the month of Ramadan for you and accept your deeds in it.
People differ with regard to their appetite especially in Ramadan, as some people get used to eating little food and their appetite weakens, while others do not have Suhoor (pre-dawn meal), so their appetite gets weaker on the following day. A few people might be afflicted with gastritis and this might be the reason for the loss of appetite.
Yes, drinking tea might cause tension and nervousness and you might not be able to sleep comfortably. It rarely affects blood pressure; however, because you drink it a lot, I expect that it has a role in all the symptoms that you suffer from –especially loss of appetite.
Moreover, high blood pressure causes insomnia and sometimes nervousness.
May Allah grant us success.

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