Hajj When Hope Springs in the Heart - II

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… Continued
There has been no age in which the bonds among the Muslim nation and its peoples reached such a degree of disintegration and weakness as the current age. 

The main reason for this disintegration and disunity is due to Muslims themselves. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {Say, “It is from yourselves."} [Quran 3:165]
However, anyone who observes the status quo can in no way fail to see the great cunning, the evil plots, and the significant role of the enemies of the Muslim nation and the Muslims, whom these enemies have shaped within the Muslim nation. These so-called Muslims have torn the Ummah apart under the banners of nationalism in its various forms at times, and under the banners of narrow regional slogans at other times. There is no longer any mention of the strong spiritual ties that bond the members of the Muslim nation – except in some speeches and political statements where it is mandatory to mention it. 
What is even more bitter is that the effect of this disunity, division and disintegration has reached the scholars and callers to Allah themselves, and not only the masses! Anyone who observes the Islamic awakening can clearly see the ugly disease of intolerance, determining one’s allegiance and disassociation from a factional perspective, not an Islamic perspective. The crisis of confidence, mistrust, and seeking the gaffes and flaws of others has prevailed among individuals, institutions and Islamic Da‘wah groups. 
In the midst of this dim darkness and the frightening reality of Islamic unity and the adherence to the Islamic Sharee‘ah, comes the season of Hajj. Hajj is a great spiritual experience that embodies pure Monotheism and genuine servitude to Allah The Exalted. As the pilgrim answers the call of his Lord and raises his voice with Talbiyah (saying Labbayka Allahumma Labbayk: I hasten to You; my Lord), he proclaims Monotheism; declaring that there is no other deity worthy of worship but Allah The Exalted. In the rest of the rituals the pilgrims deliberately express their differences from the disbelievers and follow the footsteps of the Prophet, .
This embodies a bright image and a milestone of unity within the Muslim nation. All the pilgrims seek one Lord, adhere to one religion, follow one Prophet, and assemble at the same time and in the same place. They dress in the same simple way, observe the same regulations, carry out the same rituals, and utter the same supplications at the same time, in the same way, and for the same end. No Arab is superior over a non-Arab, and no white person is superior over a black or red person; superiority is judged by righteousness and piety alone.
Moreover, Hajj embodies complete surrender and comprehensive submission [to Allah The Exalted] of intention, looks, time, place and performance of rituals. Hajj in this sense serves as the hope and the light that shines on all zealous Muslims, who still believe in their nation and the fact that it is still alive. They believe that the Muslim nation still carries the potential for advancement and unity, even if it suffers from disabilities and has been hit by many deadly diseases.
Perhaps what proves this is that Hajj involves Jihaad, sacrifice, and worship, both physical and spiritual aspects of worship. It implies the rise of the Muslim nation as Muslims assemble in the sacred sites, proclaiming their unity and adherence to the Quran and the Sunnah. This unity and adherence can only be achieved by Jihaad, sacrifice, and worship, both physical and spiritual.
It is no secret that Hajj has caused a huge shift in the hearts of many dignitaries and noble Muslims in many places throughout history. Performing Hajj has motivated these Muslims to promote Islam instead of fighting it and standing as a stumbling block to its progress. 
Perhaps one of the glad tidings that foster hope is the fact that many scholars and callers to Allah, who perform Hajj, go back to their countries more enthusiastic and eager to invite their people to adhere to Islam and become more willing to sacrifice in order to empower the Islamic Da‘wah. Moreover, there is a significant effect of the pilgrimage on a large section of the pilgrims. Hajj motivates many pilgrims to change their lives for the better, through breaking free from their false beliefs, deviant behavior and failure to obey Allah The Almighty. Not only this, many pilgrims go beyond attaining mere steadfastness in righteousness to invite other people to adhere to Islam. They take on the role of reformers in their communities. They call their people to the right path, advocate the followers of Truth, repel falsehood, and confront those who advocate it.
Given all these virtues, who among us will step forward to win the honor of leading the rebirth of the Muslim nation and unifying it?

Hajj When Hope Springs in the Heart - I

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