Hajj Teaches Us to Discipline the Soul - II

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… Continued
5 – Learning noble morals and good characteristics:
Chastity, restraining anger and abandoning dispute and argument:
Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Hajj is [during] well-known months, so whoever has made Hajj obligatory upon himself therein [by entering the state of Ihraam], there is [to be for him] no sexual relations and no disobedience and no disputing during Hajj…}[Quran 2: 197] Foreplay is also included. Disputing with your companion until you anger him or he angers you is prohibited in Hajj.
Gentleness, leniency and tranquility:
When the Prophet, , heard people harshly urging and beating camels upon leaving Muzdalifah, he remarked: "O people, be tranquil, because it is not haste that indicates piety."
Self-denial and mingling with others:
During Hajj, one adopts self-denial and becomes exactly like all his brothers in dress, saying Talbiyah, moving from one place to another and while performing all acts of worship.
Learning modesty:
This clearly appears through the unity of all pilgrims in religious rituals. All are required to do the same obligations, recommendations, and so on.
Learning patience in all its aspects:
During Hajj, one is trained to be patient with the hardship of obedience as well as abandoning the acts of disobedience, particularly during times of overcrowding and massive multitudes of people. One is also trained to be patient with what befalls him during Hajj out of the Fate of Allah.
Learning giving and generosity:
Hajj is a physical and financial act of worship. During Hajj, a well-being person gives from his wealth in order to provide pilgrims with water, relieve the distressed among them and fulfill their needs.
Achieving the meanings of brotherhood:
During Hajj, one achieves the meanings of brotherhood by love, sociality and sacrificing for others, particularly when one has close companions performing Hajj along with him.
6- Learning how to bear the consequences of one's mistakes:
This clearly appears in the obligatory compensation (Fidyah) when a pilgrim violates one of the restrictions of Ihraam or abandons one of the obligations of Hajj. There is no doubt that realizing one's responsibility is a sign of human maturity and perfection, which is a disciplinary purpose.
7- Reminding of the Hereafter:
Hajj clearly reminds one of the Last Day through the following:
Leaving one’s country and departing his family. This reminds him of departing his country and family after death. Taking off form-fitting clothes and other adornments. This reminds him of the shroud as well as resurrection of the slaves of Allah The Almighty from their graves barefooted and uncircumcised on the Day of Judgment. Moving among the different places, exhaustion and crowdedness of people while one is thirsty and sweaty; this reminds him of the terrors of the Day of Judgment and Resurrection.
8- Learning surrender and submission to Allah The Almighty:
During Hajj, a person goes against his inclinations and desires and does only what pleases Allah and brings His satisfaction. This elevates the slave of Allah The Almighty to a more sublime position when he is concerned only with what pleases Allah The Almighty alone. As such, a Muslim's faith reaches a sublime and noble position, out of the favor and success granted by Allah The Almighty.
9- Deepening Islamic brotherhood and unity:
Hajj is a huge global conference where the unity of Muslims is demonstrated. All pilgrims follow the same methodology, have the same intention and perform the same actions in terms of time, place, dress, remembrance and rituals. Difference in languages, colors and countries melt away in the face of the unity of Muslims, which regrettably is no longer applied in everyday dealings.
10- Connecting pilgrims to their predecessors:
The rituals of Hajj bring to the mind old memories of the migration of our father, Ibraaheem (Abraham), as well as his wife, Haajar, and newborn, Ismaa‘eel (Ishmael), may Allah exalt their mention, to Makkah and their story. It also reminds us of the stories of the succeeding Prophets and Messengers, until the memory of the Farewell Hajj, with the best of the Prophets, . This is also followed by the march of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, the Taabi'is (Followers) as well as the righteous people, until our present time. Such people were real role models and their lives include many lessons to be learnt. 
11- Intensifying the Remembrance of Allah The Almighty:
Hajj is a ritual full of remembrance that grants it further glory and majesty. In the Quran, Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {But when you depart from ‘Arafaat, remember Allah at Al-Mash‘ar Al-Haraam.} [Quran 2: 198]
In a Hadeeth, the Prophet, , said: "Tawaaf (circumambulation), Sa‘y between As-Safa and Al-Marwah, and throwing the pebbles are prescribed to establish Remembrance of Allah on earth."   
 (To be continued …

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