Hajj Teaches Us to Discipline the Soul - III

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… Continued

12- Being accustomed to order and discipline:
There is a certain arrangement and order for the rituals of Hajj and a pilgrim is not permitted to violate them. Many people suffer from following inclination and disorder and this is disciplined only by Hajj.
13- Spiritual discipline:
During Hajj, one is trained to avoid acts of disobedience and sins. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Hajj is [during] well-known months ...} [Quran 2: 197]
One is also trained to do his best in doing acts of obedience and utilizing time properly. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And whatever good you do - Allah knows it.}[Quran 2: 197]
One is trained to supplicate to Allah The Almighty, entreat Him and enjoy the pleasure of talking to Allah privately. The Prophet, , said: "The best supplication is that said on the Day of ‘Arafah." Out of the favor and bounty of Allah, there are six situations in Hajj when the supplication is likely to be answered: During Tawaaf (circumambulation), on the Mounts As-Safa and Al-Marwah, on the Day of ‘Arafah, by Al-Mash‘ar Al-Haraam, after throwing the pebbles of Jamrat Al-‘Aqabah As-Sughra and after throwing the pebbles of Jamrat Al-‘Aqabah Al-Wusta. It should be known that Hajj in general is a profitable opportunity for supplication, invocation and asking for the forgiveness of Allah The Almighty.
A pilgrim is trained to stay upright and steadfast after Hajj after having his sins forgiven and the record of his life wiped clean. Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, "A sign of a valid and accepted Hajj is that the pilgrim goes back with no desire for the worldly life while willing to work for the Hereafter." This meaning is supported by the verse in which Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And those who are guided - He increases them in guidance and gives them their righteousness.} [Quran 47: 17]
14- Learning to give Da‘wah, enjoin good and forbid evil:
Since some pilgrims are ignorant about the Hajj rulings, one should utilize this opportunity of this gathering to give Da‘wah (invite people to Islam), remove misconceptions and reform one's behavior. On the other hand, existence of innovations, evil and even actions of Shirk (polytheism) makes it obligatory to enjoin good and forbid evil. Shujaa‘ ibn Al-Waleed said, "I was making Hajj with Sufyaan, and his tongue hardly ceased to enjoin good and forbid evil, both while going and coming back."
15- The disciplinary aspect in Ihraam:
The pilgrim forbids himself from things that Allah The Almighty has made lawful of the pleasures and enjoyments of the worldly life when one is not in a state of Ihraam. This makes it easy for him to avoid things which Allah The Almighty has made unlawful. When one temporarily avoids what is lawful during Hajj, then how does he commit indisputably forbidden things?
16- The disciplinary aspect in Talbiyah:
During Hajj, one dedicates his intention solely for the sake for Allah, responds to His command, pledges to be always obedient to Him and contradicts the way of the polytheists. When one responds to the annual call of Allah The Almighty, then why is he lazy to respond to the daily call of Allah?
17- Learning true determination and strong will:
During Hajj, the pilgrim acts against his inclination, overcomes the pleasure of comfort and moves forward to perform a difficult act of worship while paying no attention to those who discourage him and distract him. There are many distracting factors as well as those who give false excuses to influence one not to go to Hajj.
18- Learning how to abandon habits, have hope only in Allah and change one's lifestyle:
Habits are what man is used to in terms of physical comfort and prosperity. On the other hand, some people place their hopes in physical objects and people besides Allah The Almighty. Such things are abandoned due to a strong attachment to the supreme goal that is winning the satisfaction of Allah The Almighty as well as His precious commodity (Paradise).
19- Practical training in Hajj:
Only the pilgrim is responsible for performing the rituals, and not anyone else. This is true even if he is a member of a delegation or group and he is in charge of some of their matters. This provides him with the opportunity of practical training, which is available only during Hajj.
20- Training in learning and teaching:
The pilgrim learns the rituals and restrictions of Hajj. It is possible that he attends a class before Hajj or asks a scholar during Hajj. A good question is considered half of knowledge. When one is acquainted with these rulings, he can convey them to others and act as their teacher.

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