'I Have Been Sent to Perfect Good Manners' - II

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In Islam, nothing is considered a greater blessing – after Eemaan (faith) – than having a good character and manners. This blessing is far superior to anything worldly that Allah The Almighty may have bestowed upon a Muslim – from wealth to status to children.

Some of the narrations  that emphasize this are:
·        The Prophet, , said: "The best blessing that a person can be given in this life is Akhlaaq (good character)."
·        The Prophet, , said: "Mankind has not been given anything better than good Akhlaaq (good character)."
·        The Prophet, , said: "I command you to be of good Akhlaaq (good character and manners)."
The importance of adorning oneself with a good character and pleasant manners is clear enough in the fact that the rewards of having and cultivating these two features are greater than, or at least equivalent to, the rewards of extra and continual worship. Through good character and manners, a person can obtain blessings he would otherwise not be able to obtain. ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, narrated, “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘By his good character a believer will attain the degree of one who prays during the night and fasts during the day.’[Abu Daawood]
Not many of us are constantly engaged in acts of worship, praying all night and fasting all day; yet, if we want to be amongst those who obtain good deeds, all we have to do is constantly improve and refine our character, while cultivating good manners in ourselves.
Moreover, one should know that good character and manners is a sign of one's strength and perfection of Eemaan. Therefore, a person who does not have good character and manners cannot be said to have strong Eemaan, regardless of what label or status he assigns himself. No matter what he says or boasts of, if a person is coarse, arrogant and unmannerly, then he is not a good Muslim. Even if he fasts and prays day and night, he has yet to perfect his Eemaan and strengthen it.
On the other hand, someone who performs the minimum of good deeds, or only the obligatory acts of worship, yet has good character and manners, then he is far better than another person who zealously performs voluntary acts of worship but has a bad character and unpleasant manners. The Prophet, , said: "The people who have perfected their Eemaan most perfectly, are those who are best in Akhlaaq." In another narration, he, , says: "The best of the believers are the ones who are best in their Akhlaaq." In the same Hadeeth, the Prophet, , says: "The best of you are those of you who are best to their wives." Contemplate this Hadeeth: why is it that the best of us are those who are best to their wives? It is because it is very easy to be courteous and well-mannered to people we see once a day, like a neighbor, or once a year, like a visiting relative. But when one shows good manners to one’s own wife, who he eats, drinks, sleeps and wakes up with, it is only then that one really reaches the height of perfection and excellence in good character and manners.
It is also important for Muslims to show friendliness towards one another, because when they are cold towards and aloof from each other, they create barriers between one another. Therefore, the Muslim should smile at his brother, greet him with the greeting of Salaam, shake his hand, and so forth. This prevents Shaytaan (Satan) from planting discord and disunity between the Muslims.
Good character and manners are very beloved to Allah The Almighty. The Prophet, , said: "Allah is beautiful and loves beauty, and He loves noble Akhlaaq [character and manners] and He hates, he despises lowly characteristics." He, , also said: "Allah The Almighty has containers on the face of this earth, and the containers of your Lord are the hearts of His servants." The hearts of His servants act like containers of Allah The Almighty, which means that they fill up with the mercy, love, and knowledge of Allah The Almighty. These servants of Allah The Almighty act like containers to His mercy:"The most beloved of these containers are the ones that are the most soft, and the ones that are most gentle." Those with soft hearts and gentle natures are the ones whom Allah The Almighty loves the most. 

'I Have Been Sent to Perfect Good Manners' - I

'I Have Been Sent to Perfect Good Manners' - III

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