Rights of the Child in Islam - III

  • Publish date:04/01/2012
  • Section:Rights:
8352 0 843

Second: Circumcision

This is one of the key rites that distinguish Muslims from non-Muslims. This rite should take precedence, as it is compulsory for males and recommended for females. The Prophet said to a man after he had embraced Islam: “Shave and get circumcised.” [Ahmad and Abu Daawood]
Circumcision is one of the five acts of Fitrah (sound natural human disposition), and is the most important of them. The Prophet said: “There are five acts which conform to the sound human nature: Circumcision, removing the pubic hair, trimming the moustache, clipping the nails and plucking the underarm hair.”
The rationale behind circumcision is that it is a divine commandment that Allah The Almighty legislated for His slaves through which they could complete their Fitrah. Circumcision also has health benefits as it helps to get rid of excretions, decreases the risk of cancer, and protects from bed-wetting.
Third: The child’s right to guardianship and financial support
Under the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law), the child is entitled to care and protection. The parents must take care of the life, health and education of the child under their guardianship. To protect this developing human, Islam granted the mother the right to guardianship in case of any matrimonial discord until the age of seven. By this age, the child would have already passed the cradle and early childhood stages, which are the most important stages in his life.
After that, the child would decide freely whether to remain with his mother or go to his father. This measure is based on the ultimate Divine mercy and justice that put everything in its rightful place. Moreover, the father must provide his child with food, clothing and housing.
Fourth: The child’s right to be educated and sound upbringing to the best of one's ability
Islam pays special attention to the foundation of the family foundations and drew up the methodology that the two spouses should follow when they build their family. Islam also defined the duties of each of them towards their child to ensure that the child will receive a righteous and good upbringing. Furthermore, Islam considered childhood as an exceptionally important stage in one’s life, as it is the period during which the child’s personality takes shape. This period also witnesses the appearance of the indicators of the child’s future and whether he will succeed in carrying out the mission for which he was created. This requires making use of all his latent physical, mental and spiritual powers to allow him to learn and achieve the purpose of his creation.
1-   Physical education
Physical education stands for the correct preparation of the whole body. We are required to take care of the child’s muscles and senses as well as the vital power of the body including the emotions and natural talents. In this respect, Islam focuses on two important aspects:
A- The body as a physical object that needs good food, healthy housing, rest, sleep and immunity against diseases.
B- The vital power that is necessary to achieve the purpose of life. These objectives are related to the human being as a complete entity.
Food plays an important role in the child’s physical growth, and it provides the body with the power it needs to function; it forms the cells and strengthens immunity against diseases.
The mother should also pay attention to the child’s sleep, which is one of the essential requirements of growth and development. It is better to accustom the child to sleeping on his right side in imitation of the Prophet .
‘Abdullaah, may Allah be pleasedwith him, said, “Whenever the Messenger of Allah intended to go to sleep, he would place his right hand under his (right) cheek and supplicate: ‘Allahumma qini `athaabaka yawma tab`athu `ibaadaka (O Allah! Protect me from Your Punishment on the Day when You will resurrect Your slaves).”’
Scientists have recently discovered that sleeping on the left side harms the heart, and disturbs respiration.
Likewise, the child’s need for clothes should also be satisfied with care like the aforementioned needs. The wise mother should decide her child’s needs of summer or winter clothes. The mother should accustom her child to start with the right hand when wearing his clothes as the Prophet used to do.

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