Rights of the Child in Islam - IV

  • Publish date:04/01/2012
  • Section:Rights:
13961 0 916

Parents should also encourage the child to play sports and games such as running, swimming, horsing, racing, and so on, as the Prophet, , used to race and guided his Ummah (nation) to do what is necessary to achieve power.

Parents are also required to develop the child’s physical power by getting him accustomed to seriousness and urging him to keep away from slackening, dissolution, and all that harms his body or mind.

If the parents pay attention to these issues, they will provide their child with a correct physical education and they would have performed some of their duties towards their child. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And those who are to their trusts and promises attentive.}[Quran 70:32]

1-   Mental education:

Islam took care of mental education, as it is the religion of the sound human nature. Hence, it respects all human powers and never favors any of these powers at the expense of other powers, as is the case with human methodologies and philosophies.

Allah The Exalted Says (what means):{Say, "It is He Who has produced you and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful."}[Quran 67:23]

Islam encourages and respects mental prowess, and provides the mother with the methods that help her to prepare her child mentally. One of the major responsibilities of the mother is to educate her child intellectually from his early childhood until he reaches the age of discretion.

This responsibility comprises endearing knowledge and culture to him, focusing on memorization of the Quran and learning the Seerah (biography) of the Prophet, .

There are many methods to develop a child's mental faculties, including the following:

1-   The parents should teach their child and explain to him the reality of Islam and its teachings.

2-   Proper reading: The parents should provide their child with a small library that includes stories of the prophets, Companions, and prophetic Seerah, in addition to other beneficial books in other fields of knowledge that suit his age and comprehension abilities.

3-   The parents should choose righteous and excellent companions for their child. Those companions should also be distinguished in the field of Islamic culture.

If parents neglect their child's mental education they will adversely affect the educational future of their child. In such a case, he may deviate from the right path and fail to perform the purpose of his creation.

The Prophet, , said: “All of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects. The ruler is a guardian of his subjects, the man is a guardian of his family, the woman is a guardian and is responsible for her husband's house and his offspring; and so all of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects.” [Al-Bukhari]

3-   Spiritual upbringing:

A human being can never attain human sublimity without the awakening of his soul, the refinement of its powers and establishing a connection between it and the Creator. The Quranic methodology for refining the soul and cultivating it is based on the following principles:

1-   Deepening belief in the Oneness of Allah The Almighty based on true knowledge, piety and certainty. The mother must seize opportunities to open the mind of her child to meditate and think about the greatness of Allah The Almighty.

2-   This sound mentality requires one to achieve the true meaning of servitude to Allah The Almighty and worship. Worship is the direct link between the slave and his Lord. The following meanings should be implanted in the child’s mind:

-      Prayer is a meeting with the Lord and a form of supplication to Him

-      Fasting is a way to desert what one likes and his favorite desires for the sake of Allah The Almighty

-      Hajj is a visit to the House of Allah The Almighty

-      Zakah (obligatory charity) purifies the soul and gives one the feeling that he is beneficial in this world.

This is the spiritual life that the child should experience after training and accustoming him to recall these meanings and to maintain devotion to Allah The Almighty in all his words, acts and deeds without expecting any worldly reward or benefit. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We wish not from you reward or gratitude.}[Quran 76:9]

Rights of the Child in Islam – I

Rights of the Child in Islam - II

Rights of the Child in Islam - III

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