Sarkozy: Europe facing 'unprecedented crisis'

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Nicolas Sarkozy has told European leaders that their countries' economies are facing an "unprecedented crisis", in remarks he made after talks with Spain's prime minister, Mariano Rajoy.

The French president, addressing a joint news conference in the Spanish capital, Madrid, on Monday, said the economic crisis will force European leaders to act and find a new path to growth.

"We are confronted by an unprecedented crisis that forces us to cut spending, lower our deficits but also to find the path to new growth by resolving our competitiveness problems," Sarkozy said.

His comments came just three days after a credit downgrade of France that revived fears over the financial stability of the Eurozone.

Standard & Poor's, a New York-based ratings agency, cut the credit rating of nine debt-laden European countries on Friday, including depriving France of its top-notch AAA rating and lowering Spain by two notches to A from AA-.

However, the Moody's ratings agency has confirmed it is keeping France's AAA credit rating.

Strength to act

Sarkozy has been optimistic, saying on Sunday that the crisis would give France "the opportunity to make decisions quickly, because the situation demands it".

"Courage gives the strength to act. France is a big country," Sarkozy said during an address at a public ceremony in France prior to his visit to Spain.

"During its history France often went through hard times. France resisted during the three years of the crisis, and France will overcome this crisis and will come out of it stronger."

Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland, reporting from Paris on Monday, said Sarkozy is in a very difficult position.

"It's an election year. Anything like cuts in public spending or increases in taxes are unpopular with voters," she said.

"Yet, nevertheless whoever does win the election in a few months time will - after that result - be forced one way or the other to introduce new tough measures."

However, Sarkozy said deficit-cutting measures could not alone resolve the eurozone crisis.

"We all have to understand that to get Europe out of the crisis we must, in addition to the indispensable deficit-reduction measures that we have already taken, give priority to growth, to employment and competitivity," he told Spain's conservative daily ABC in remarks made before arriving in Madrid.

"That message will resound in Spain, which posted an unemployment rate in the third quarter of 2011 of 21.5 per cent - the highest in the industrialized world.

Spain's government has announced 8.9bn euros ($1bn) in budget cuts, tax increases to bring in 6.28bn euros and an anti-tax fraud battle to recoup another 8.17bn euros to help balance the public finances.

Rajoy said on Saturday that Spain now had an "astronomical" figure of 5.4 million jobless.

Historical place

Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull, reporting from Madrid, said Rajoy is keen to preserve Spain's historical place at the heart of European decision-making.

"But preserving Spain's historical place will not in itself prevent what would be a historic collapse of Spain's economy," our correspondent said.

"It's in a dreadful mess - the fourth largest economy in the eurozone with the third largest budget deficit, its highest levels of unemployment and going now back into recession.

"[Rajoy's] given some indications of where he will make cuts, but he's got to find something like $55bn worth of cuts in this year alone."

Meanwhile in France, Valerie Pecresse, France's budget minister, said that a downgrade of her country's credit rating would not lead to a rise in the country's borrowing costs.

She said she did not expect "mechanical consequences" of the downgrade because France had "credibility" and was a "sure value".

The downgrades by Standard & Poor's were largely expected and traders said pressure on Italian and Spanish bond yields on Monday were offset by the European Central bank stepping in to buy the bonds.

Greek debt crisis

Uncertainty over fixing Greece's debt crisis is more of a threat to Europe's stability than the downgrades, George Osborne, the British finance minister, said on Monday.

Greece needs a deal with the private sector, the EU and the IMF to avoid going bankrupt when 14.5bn euros of bond redemptions fall due in late March, but talks with its creditor banks broke down without an agreement on Friday.

Lucas Papademos, the Greek prime minister, promised a debt swap would be clinched in time after he dispatched senior officials to Washington to break the deadlock in talks.

A leading representative for the creditors said Greece was not the problem in the talks, suggesting the issue lay with terms insisted on by foreign lenders keeping Greece afloat with aid.

Inspectors from the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank, due in Athens on Tuesday for talks on a second, 130bn-euro bailout, have warned that they need the deal with the private sector to achieve that debt-reduction goal before they agree to give more aid.

Greece, in its fifth year of recession, has continuously missed its fiscal targets, prompting speculation that the country may need further financial support to put its debt on viable footing.


French President Nicolas Sarkozy, left and Spain's King Juan Carlos walk watched by Spain's Prince Felipe, far left after a ceremony at the Royal Palace in Madrid Monday Jan. 16, 2012.


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