Religion and Good Manners - II

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The reward of good manners in the Hereafter

A well-mannered person will have one of the heaviest scales on the Day of Judgment. The Prophet, , said: "Nothing is heavier in the slave’s balance on the Day of Judgment than good manners." [Abu Daawood and At-Tirmithi] This means that all deeds will be weighed on that day (i.e. the Day of Judgment), and the most weighty in a person's scale will be his good manners. Good manners also pave the way to Paradise. When the Prophet, , was once asked about the most likely qualities that lead to Paradise he answered: "Piety and good manners." [Ibn Maajah and Al-Haakim]

Moreover, it is by means of good manners that a person can have strong faith. The Prophet, , said: "Those with the best manners are those with the most complete faith." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. It is also by good manners that a person reaches the rank of worshipers, as we have been told by the Prophet, : "The faithful believer reaches the rank of a Muslim who fasts and prays day and night with his good manners.” [Abu Daawood, Saheeh]
In addition to this, the Prophet, , gave glad tidings to those who have good manners. He, , said: "I guarantee a housein the surroundings of Paradise for those who avoid quarrelling even if they were in the right, a house in the middle of Paradise forthose who avoid lyingeven if they were joking, and a house in the upper part of Paradise for those who make their manners good." [At-Tabaraani, Saheeh]. This means that the best rank of all will be given to those who are well mannered.
Not only this, but the Prophet, , said: "The nearest to me in heaven are those with the best manners." [At-Tirmithi, Saheeh]. Due to the lofty status given to the well-mannered people on the Day of Judgment, the Prophet, , advised his Companions by saying: "Always treat people with good manners." [Ahmad and At-Tabaraani]
To conclude, Allah The Almighty loves good manners, and hates bad ones. He, The Almighty, sent his Prophet, , to enable people to achieve the best of morals. The Prophet, , said: "I have only been sent to perfect good manners." [Maalik and Ahmad ] Moreover, the greatest grace of Allah The Almighty upon his slave, after Islam, is when He makes him well mannered, as the Prophet, , said: "People have not been given anything better than good manners." Manners are also the criterion by which you know the best of people. The Prophet, , said: "The best of you is the one whose manners are the best." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] Besides, adherence to good manners is a protection from Hell, in conformity with the Hadeeth (narration) of the Prophet, , which says: "Whoever treats people with compassion and leniency will not be tortured in Hell."
The pillars of good manners
Morality is based on four essential pillars:  patience, chastity, courage and justice. This is because patience leads to endurance, restraining anger, and avoiding offending others; chastity protects one from falling into vices; courage propels one towards self-respect and favoring high moral standards; and justice teaches moderation and practicality. On the other hand, bad manners are founded on four basic pillars: ignorance, injustice, desire, and anger. Ignorance drives a person to view what is good as bad; injustice causes one to place things in their wrong place; desire incites covetousness, stinginess, miserliness, vices and blemishes; anger gives rise to pride, spite, envy, aggression, and foolishness. One should be aware of these four characteristics, in order to get rid of bad manners because knowing that these traits are the root of all disliked manners makes it easy to eradicate them.

Religion and Good Manners - I
Religion and Good Manners - III

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