How to Avoid Slacking in Ramadan -II

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• Teaching others if they are ignorant of certain Ramadan-related matters, and advising them if they err:

Firstly, the woman’s prayer at home earns her more reward than her prayer in the mosque. The Prophet said to Umm Hameed, may Allah be pleased with her, when she expressed her desire to pray behind him: “I know that you like to pray with me (i.e., in the congregational prayer)…” and continued until he said: “…Your prayer in your local mosque is more rewarding than praying in my mosque” and then continued until he reached the topic of praying at home saying: “…Your prayer at home is more rewarding than that in the mosques.” However, if women desire to pray in the mosque they should not be prevented from doing so, as per the instructions of the Prophet when he said: “Do not deprive women from praying in the mosque, but their prayer at home is more rewarding for them.”

Secondly, the woman should be told to adhere to Hijab (Islamic dress that a woman must adhere to); her guardians, the Muslim men, will be held responsible before Allah The Almighty if their wives and female relatives come out in inappropriate and immodest attires. The Muslim woman should not wear anything that is of light or transparent “see-thru” cloth, she should not come out uncovered, perfumed and wearing something tight “figure-hugging” or eye-catching. The Muslim male guardians will have to answer to Allah The Almighty if those under their guardianship and protection are indulging in the sin of Tabarruj (display). The one who remains silent and does not utter the truth is like a mute devil, as is one who accepts and approves of immorality being practiced by his family. The man who sees his wife, daughter, sisters or other female relatives outside the home improperly dressed and uncovered feels no protectiveness or jealousy (Gheerah), that Gheerah that the Prophet praised in Muslim men, should repent and do his duty by his female relatives. He should also remember the Saying of Allah The Almighty (which means): {O you who have believed! Protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones.} [66: 6] It is especially wrong for women to go out to the Masjid, which is a place of worship and remembrance of Allah The Almighty, without dressing modestly.

During the time of the Prophet nobody could recognise women when they left their homes due to their covering, every part of their bodies would be covered; but nowadays, our wives, daughters, sisters and even mothers are living a strange lifestyle which consists of shortcomings on top of shortcomings. The amazing thing is that during this month, which is a golden opportunity to repent and return to Allah The Almighty, there are not many major changes or an increased adherence to Islamic rulings and practices, including the Hijab. Women go out adorned, perfumed, walking seductively and being in seclusion with their drivers. Any husband who approves of this evil to be practiced by his family will be held responsible for it in front of Allah The Almighty, and remember that [the punishment for] sins are multiplied during the month of Ramadan. Such people seem to have forgotten the saying of the Prophet : “Any woman who wears perfume, leaves her home and passes by people (i.e., men) who can smell her (aroma) is considered as having committed adultery.”

One might respond that this is entirely the women’s business, but, as mentioned above, Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed! Protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones.} [Quran 66: 6]

Furthermore, the Muslims should advise their wives and children not to be busy with idle talk and conversation during the prayer, thereby distracting the Imaam, and not to raise their voices after the prayer has finished to the extent that the men can hear. Both men and women should keep their rows compact during the prayer and fill the gaps between them.

One may also advise their wife and female relatives not to spend the month of Ramadan in the kitchen so that they may spare time for worship, because worship should be the main practice during this blessed month. Also, do not request them to cook too much, and prevent them from being extravagant by cooking too many different dishes and wasting time in the kitchen.

(To be continued)

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