Messages for the Pilgrim - IV

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… Continued

The Weak:

Dear pilgrim, here are examples of those who are weak in their Hajj in a brief and novel style:

He is weak in his deeds. He does what other people do and never asks the specialists and scholars about anything. He is weak in his expense. He is a pilgrim who goes to Hajj with unlawfully gained wealth and forgets that Allah is good and that He accepts only what is good. He is weak in Ihraam. Such a pilgrim does not feel the greatness of this dress and thus he disrespects it. He may even show annoyance and wish to discard it. He is weak in loving the sacred precincts. He often asks about returning and finishing the rituals, as if the sacred precincts do not mean anything to him. He is weak in controlling his body. His eyes follow up the ‘Awrahs of others, his tongue never stops backbiting, abusing, cursing others and telling lies, his hand steals without considering the sanctity of the place and he indulges in smoking, which is a pitiful sign of his lack of modesty. He is weak in worship. He is always heedless and negligent of all the recommended acts of Hajj. It is as if Hajj is a heavy burden and he wishes to discard it.


These are painful examples and scenes of the different types of weakness during Hajj. We advise all pilgrims to be strong in doing righteous deeds. Hajj should be a new stage in the pilgrim's life which urges him to change towards the strength of determination, goal, purpose and deed.

The Woman in Hajj:

O Muslim sister, rejoice at being able to perform Hajj and visit the sacred precincts. I have some quick messages and tips for you. It would give me great pleasure that you reflect on them and accept them with sincerity and a supplication for me.

A woman in the state of Ihraam is not allowed to wear Niqaab (a face-cover tied to her face) or gloves. But she should cover her face and hands if men are passing nearby. It was narrated that ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: "The riders would pass by us when we were with the Messenger of Allah in the state of Ihraam. When they came close, each of us would lower her garment from her head over her face, and when they went away we would uncover our faces." She is not allowed to recite Talbiyah loudly. Rather, she recites it in a low voice which is heard only by herself, other women behind her and Mahram men only (A Mahram is either the husband or any relative a woman may never marry, like a father a son and brother … etc.). You should avoid crowding with men in general. It is not obligatory to touch the Black Stone or the Yamaani Corner when there is a jam. Also, you are not required to make Ramal (fast walking in Tawaaf without running) or walk quickly between the two green signs while performing Sa‘y between mounts As-Safaa and Al-Marwah mountains. This is specific to men. If you are weak, you are permitted to depart Muzdalifah at the end of the night and cast the pebbles of the Jamrah of Al-‘Aqabah before the crowdedness begins. You are also permitted to delay the casting of pebbles during the Days of Tashreeq until night when there is less crowdedness. You are not held guilty of anything for any delay. Sister, avoid sleeping before men, particularly in large tents and yards. You should be careful that your ‘Awrah, face, hands or legs, are covered before people while you are performing ablution. You should not go out alone without a Mahram man with you. Finally, when a woman experiences menstruation or post-partum bleeding during Hajj, she is not required to perform the Farewell Tawaaf. This is a concession from the Sharee‘ah to make matters easy for women. Thus, you should praise Allah and be grateful to Him for choosing you to perform this obligation and attain mercy and forgiveness.

The Telephone:

Availability of phones and mobiles in the sacred precincts is a great favor. The pilgrim can call his family whenever he wants quickly and with minimal expense. He can contact them at any moment and everyday as if he is with them. He can relate the details of his Hajj and how he spends his days so that he does not feel the alienation of travel or the boredom of waiting.

However, with all regret and sadness, there are painful scenes among the pilgrims in this regard. They waste their precious time and rare moments in these sacred places in calling others. You see some pilgrims calling others and heedlessly laughing while performing Tawaaf, Sa‘y, throwing the pebbles on the Day of ‘Eed and before it, on the Day of ‘Arafah and after the ‘Asr Prayer (which is a vital time to be making supplication). The pilgrim has to avoid everything during these times and allocate them for supplication and seeking the mercy of Allah. Such pilgrims forget that these are times which could never come again and incomparable to even millions of dirhams and dinars. Others waste their time in waiting in rows in front of phone cabins – even for long hours - and more once time during the day. They can do that at other times and allocate the noble times for supplication and worship in general.

Lessons Behind Casting the Pebbles:

First: Casting at Satan is not the purpose behind casting the pebbles. Rather, it is an act of worship for Allah alone and it reflects compliance with Ibraaheem (Abraham), may Allah exalt his mention, as well as the Sunnah of our Prophet .

Second: Responding to the command of Allah in casting the pebbles reflects exaltation for Allah and a response to His order as well as humiliating Satan.

Third: The goal behind the tangible stoning is the intangible meaning, which is discarding and disobeying evil self-inclination and the whispers of Satan.

Fourth: The hand of the pilgrim casts to hit the sublime goal in getting rid of the idle, the disobedient and the impotent hand.

Fifth: With casting the pebbles, the pilgrim remembers the story of Ibraaheem, may Allah exalt his mention, when he wanted to slaughter his son, Ismaa‘eel (Ishmael), may Allah exalt his mention, in surrender to the command of Allah.

Sixth: When one casts the pebbles, he feels that he is freed from hell, his deed is accepted and that he does so in response to the command of Allah while declaring dissociation from Satan and avoiding him. ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, narrated that the Prophet said: "Casting the pebbles has been legislated to establish the remembrance of Allah."

Giving Da‘wah (Islamic propagation) during Hajj:

These are actually lost treasures in the life of the callers to Allah. During the Hajj season, it is as if one visits the different Muslim states without any need for passports or visas. All Muslims from the different countries worldwide gather in one place. The callers to Allah are worthier to utilize this opportunity in order to save people from the hellfire and from polytheism. Many of the pilgrims who circumambulate the Ka‘bah also circumambulate the graves and the shrines of the dead. Many of the pilgrims who slaughter the Hady during the Hajj season also slaughter for sorcerers and soothsayers. Many of the pilgrims take off their clothes in order to wear the Ihraam dress while they are hanging amulets and Satanic charms.

Such scenes are many and countless. It is contradictory that the pilgrim repeats the Talbiyah while testifying to Islamic monotheism and soon after he commits actions of Shirk (polytheism)! Shirk is the greatest sin and a destructive abyss. When ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him, kissed the Black Stone, he addressed it saying, "By Allah, I know that you neither benefit nor harm. Had I not seen the Prophet kissing you, I would not have kissed you."

This is thus a call for each caller to Allah to utilize the great opportunity of the Hajj season to call people to goodness with a lenient word, good morals and lightening explanation. We ask Allah to reward all Muslims.


Dear pilgrim, may Allah accept from us all, exalt your position, forgive your sin and return you to your family safe and successful while enjoying good health and security…Aameen.

Messages for the Pilgrim - I

Messages for the Pilgrim - II

Messages for the Pilgrim - III

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