Messages for the Pilgrim - III

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… Continued 

A Pilgrim's Journal:

- The 8th day of Thul-Hijjah (the Day of Tarwiyah):

On this day, it is recommended for the pilgrim to perform Ghusl (ritual bathing) and apply perfume before putting on Ihraam for Hajj. If he is afraid of not completing the rituals due to some reason, he can make a condition by stating, "O Allah, I will be free from my Ihraam if something detains me." He then spends the night of the 9th day in Mina and repeats the Talbiyah frequently and shortens the four-Rak‘ah (unit) prayers to only two.

- The 9th day (the Day of ‘Arafah):

The pilgrim departs for ‘Arafah after sunrise and there he performs the Thuhr (noon) and ‘Asr (afternoon) prayers combined and shortened and intensifies his supplication, saying: "La ilaaha illa Allah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul-mulk wa lahul-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. He has no partner. To Him belongs sovereignty and to Him belongs praise, and He is, over everything, Omnipotent)." There also he offers a lot of charity.

- The Night of Muzdalifah:

After sunset of the Day of ‘Arafah, the pilgrim departs for Muzdalifah with tranquility and humbleness. There, he performs the Maghrib (sunset) and ‘Ishaa’ (night) prayers combined as soon as he arrives there. The Athaan (the first call of prayer) is said only one time and the Iqaamah (the second call of prayer) is said for each prayer. Then he camps down and goes to sleep. He should not perform any other prayers except the Witr (odd-numbered) prayer. He stays there until he performs the Fajr (dawn) and then goes to Al-Mash‘ar Al-Haraam (the Sacred Monument) if possible. He then supplicates to Allah there until daybreak.

- The Day of ‘Eed (the 10th day of Thul-Hijjah):

On this day, the pilgrim intensifies repeating Talbiyah until he casts the seven pebbles of the Jamrah of Al-‘Aqabah (large stoning area), while saying, 'Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)' with each pebble. Then he slaughters the Hady (Hajj sacrificial animal), and shaves or shortens the hair of his head. This is unlike women who have to shorten their plaits a distance of a fingertip, and it is better for men to shave their heads. Then he performs Tawaaf and Sa‘y (walking between mounts As-Safaa and Al-Marwah), according to the type of Hajj he performs. Then he takes off his Ihraam clothes, having reached the first stage of ending Ihraam.

- The Days of Tashreeq (the 11th, the 12th and the 13th of Thul-Hijjah):

The pilgrim casts the three Jamrahs after the sun declines from its zenith, according to the following sequence: the Sughra (smallest), the Wusta (middle) and then the Jamrah of Al-‘Aqabah (largest), each with seven pebbles saying 'Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)' with each pebble. After throwing the pebbles at the Sughra and the Wusta Jamrahs, it is recommended that he stops there and supplicates to Allah for a long time while raising his hands, following the signboards there. Then, it is obligatory to spend the night at Mina and then to end the Hajj rituals by performing the Farewell Tawaaf.

A Dialogue with the Ihraam Dress:

Who are you? Tell me about yourself?

- I am the pilgrim's companion while he is performing the rituals of Hajj. I remind him of the day when he will depart this world to the grave and the Hereafter. I simply remind him of his shroud after death.

Why are you white?

- This is the Sunnah of the Prophet and his companions, may Allah be pleased with them. It is evidence of purity and clearness in intention and deeds.

What is the matter which you like most?

- To be worn by many people who intensively invocate, supplicate and repeat Talbiyah in this state.

What is the matter which you dislike most?

- The wasting of time during these few noble days in idle talk and inappropriate deeds.

What is your most precious wish?

- That a person who wears me sincerely repents to Allah and Allah accepts his repentance. Also, when he remembers the favor of Allah on him and thus he does not forget my honor and greatness in his heart.

When are you happy?

- I become happy when I remember the Hadeeth of the Prophet : "When a person dies while he is in the state of Ihraam, he is resurrected on the Day of Resurrection while repeating Talbiyah." He will be resurrected in this state because of me! Reflect!

Would you please advise the one who wears you?

- I would advise him to respect me by avoiding sexual activities, sins, abusing, cursing, and so on, while wearing me. What abuses me most is when a pilgrim smokes while he is wearing me. This actually violates the essence of humbleness, tranquility and respect.

In conclusion, whom do you love and hate of pilgrims?

- I love the pilgrim who is pious, a doer of good, and who keeps his ‘Awrah (body-parts that must be covered according to Islam) hidden from others. On the other hand, I hate the pilgrim who commits sins and does acts of disobedience. I remind all pilgrims that entering Paradise is the reward of a valid and accepted Hajj.


Dear pilgrim, whoever intensively knocks at the door, then it is about to be opened before him. Likewise, whoever intensively supplicates to Allah, his supplication is about to be answered. In an authentic Hadeeth, the Prophet said: "Your Lord Is bashful and generous, and is too bashful to turn down the hands of His slave when he raises them to Him without granting him his request."

Is there a scene better than that when pilgrims are supplicating to Allah and seeking His bounty and forgiveness while shedding tears of truthfulness and hope, raising their hands, moving their tongues with praise and exaltation and their hearts have great hope in Allah? These are truly pure places, a blessed season and great scenes, particularly on the Day of ‘Arafah, the ever greatest and best day. It is the day of the forgiving of sins, the overlooking of misdeeds, the covering of faults and the winning of the most beloved goals. The Prophet related through a Qudsi (sacred) Hadeeth in this regard that Allah The Almighty Said: "O My slaves, be witnesses that I have forgiven the doer of good and I have pardoned their evil-doer."

Given that, you should not delay making supplications and rejoice, for they will be answered.

Messages for the Pilgrim - I

Messages for the Pilgrim - II

Messages for the Pilgrim - IV

To be continued ...

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