Hasten to Hajj

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The Prophet said: "Hasten to perform Hajj (meaning the obligatory Hajj)- for verily you do not know what will happen to you." [Ahmad and others]

In this Hadeeth (narration), the Prophet urges his nation to hasten to perform Hajj out of fear of impediments and obstacles that might prevent them, illnesses that might impair them, preoccupation with children, wealth or the fear of an enemy or something that blocks the way and all kinds of other problems.

This Hadeeth is among the proofs of the view that Hajj is obligatory on an immediate basis, as adopted by Abu Haneefah and Ahmad . This is the correct view that is supported by many proofs which includes the verse in which Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House} [Quran 3:97] and the Hadeeth in which the Prophet said: "Allah has enjoined Hajj upon you, so perform Hajj." [Muslim]

These are orders from Allah The Almighty and the Prophet and the original ruling concerning orders is being obligatory on an immediate basis as stated by the scholars of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) for the many proofs mentioned on their appropriate occasions.

 Allah The Exalted ordered us to hasten to whatever is good as He Says (what means):

{And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous.} [Quran 3:133] {So race to [all that is] good.} [Quran 2:148]

Being reluctant contradicts the qualities of the pious and the order given by Allah The Almighty to His righteous slaves to hasten to all that is good.

Some people believe that the Prophet did not perform Hajj except in 10 A.H., although Hajj was prescribed in 6 A.H. They use this as evidence that Hajj is not obligatory on an immediate basis.

However, this is not correct; what happened is that Hajj was prescribed in 9 A.H., and the Prophet did not perform Hajj that year because there were some polytheists who performed Tawaaf (circumambulation) around the House while they were naked. Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was sent in the year prior to the Farewell Hajj of the Prophet . He made him the leader of the pilgrims on the Day of Nahr (the day of 'Eed on which people slaughter the sacrificial animal) in the company of a group of people to make a public announcement: "No polytheist is allowed to perform Hajj after this year and no naked person is allowed to perform Tawaaf around the Ka‘bah." [Al-Bukhari]

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said,

“The correct information is that Hajj was prescribed in the ninth year. Allah did not prescribe it before that time as it would be illogical because the Quraysh prevented the Prophet from performing ‘Umrah so, it was probable and expected that they would prevent him from Hajj. Makkah, before it was conquered, was a city of disbelief but it was freed from disbelief after it was conquered and it became logical to enjoin Hajj. The proof that Hajj was prescribed in the ninth year is that the verse of Hajj is in the beginning of the Surah of Aal ‘Imraam and the beginning of this Surah was revealed in the Year of the Delegations.

“If someone asks, why did the Prophet not perform Hajj in the ninth year while you say that it is obligatory on an immediate basis?

The answer is that the Prophet did not perform Hajj that year for certain reasons:

1. The many delegations that he received that year, which is why the ninth year is called the Year of Delegations. There is no doubt that receiving the Muslims who came to the Prophet to know more about their religion is an important issue. Rather, we may say that it is a duty upon the Prophet to deliver his message to people.

2. In the ninth year, it was expected that the polytheists would perform Hajj and that actually took place. Thus, the Prophet wanted to delay his Hajj and keep it pure for Muslims only. That is what eventually happened. It was announced in the ninth year, “No polytheist is allowed to perform Hajj after this year, and no naked person is allowed to perform Tawaaf around the Ka’bah." Before that year, people used to perform Tawaaf around the House naked, even those who were not from the Quraysh; they were not allowed to wear any clothes during Tawaaf; rather, they performed it undressed. Women also performed Tawaaf while they were naked. [Ash-Sharh Al-Mumti’].”

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