Spending for the Sake of Allah

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A Muslim brother related the following story to me and asked me not to mention his name for fear of ostentation. It was actually his personal experience.

He said: Once I was in need for money and I had only ten dinars remaining from the monthly salary, though it was the mid of the month. I kept on thinking how to get money but I did not find any solution. I remembered the Qudsi Hadeeth where the Prophet narrated that Allah Said: “O son of Aadam! Spend and I Will Spend on you.” [Al-Bukhari] I said to myself that I had only this way to resort to. So, I quickly went to a charitable institution and donated all what I had, the ten dinars. I was certain that Allah Would Compensate me with what is better. I spent the night with a tranquil soul and peaceful mind. In the morning, I went to my work with feelings of happiness and comfort. I sat on the chair and started to check some papers on my desk in order to achieve some work. A short period thereafter, the telephone rang. It was a call from the treasurer who said to me: “Come in order to receive your bonus.” I astonishingly said: “What bonus do you mean?” “A bonus for achieving excellent works, come quickly and do not be late,” he replied. I put the receiver and sat on the chair with a great joy. I supplicated Allah The Almighty to Reward me in the Hereafter, just as He Compensated me in this world.

I then went to receive the sum and it was more than 200 dinars!!

This is the fruit of giving in charity, relying on Allah, asking Allah only and dispensing with what people have. In addition to the reward of the Hereafter, spending money for the Sake of Allah has good consequences in this worldly life including blessing one’s age, sustenance, righteousness of the offspring and protection from calamities.

Whatever you have will end, but what Allah Has is lasting. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Say, "Indeed, my Lord Extends provision for whom He Wills of His servants and Restricts [it] for him. But whatever thing you spend [in His Cause] - He Will Compensate it; and He Is The Best of Providears."} [Quran 34: 39]

In the Qudsi Hadeeth, the Prophet narrated that Allah The Almighty Said: “O son of Aadam! Spend and I Will Spend on you.” [Al-Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad]
Kama Tudeen Tudaan (What goes around comes around!)

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