Charity in Ramadan has Great Virtue and Ample Reward - I

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Charity is one of the best and most honored deeds. Allah The Almighty Urges it in His Noble Book as He Says (what means): {[They who] have loaned Allah a goodly loan…..} [Quran 57:18] and (what means): {Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He will multiply it for him and he will have a noble reward?} [Quran 57:11]

Charity has great rewards. That is why the Prophet urged it on many occasions in his Sunnah and clarified that charity never reduces one's wealth; rather, it increases it. The Messenger of Allah said: "Charity never decreases wealth. Rather, it increases it, it increases it, it increases it." If charity is given in Ramadan, then (its reward) is combined with the honor of time. It is known that righteous deeds in Ramadan are distinct from those performed in other months.

A group of virtuous Sheikhs discussed the virtue of charity in Ramadan and why people race and compete in it more than in other months. They urge their fellow Muslims to hasten to give in charity in this honored month and explained the reward of charity in general and in the month of fasting in particular.

The ample reward:

Allah The Almighty Orders helping the poor and the needy and Promises a great reward for those who give. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {And those within whose wealth is a known right - For the petitioner and the deprived -} [Quran 70:24-25] The Almighty Lord Clarifies the reward entailed by this charity as He Says (what means): {….and spend out of that in which He has made you successors. For those who have believed among you and spent, there will be a great reward.} [Quran 57:7]. In addition, the Prophet informed about this in many Ahadeeth including the Saheeh Hadeeth in which he said: "Shield yourselves from Hellfire even by giving half a date in charity." In another Hadeeth, the Prophet informed us that Allah The Almighty Accepts charity from its giver with His right Hand and Enlarges its reward to him till it becomes like a mountain. These rewards and virtues increase if the charity takes place at a virtuous time that has different privileges than any other time. Ramadan is one of these great seasons in which Muslims should be keen on spending in the paths of good and fields of righteousness as much as they can to follow the example of the Prophet who used to spend in Ramadan like no other month. In a Saheeh narration, it was reported that he was the most generous person and was even more generous in Ramadan when he studied the Quran with Gabriel (Jibreel) as he was more generous than a wind that delivers (rain). This proves the virtue of spending in Ramadan in particular.

The most important aspect of spending is paying the Zakah which Allah The Almighty Imposed upon us. This is the greatest thing the Muslim should be concerned with because a Muslim should endeavor and hasten to perform his duties and never delay them. The Prophet said in a Qudsi Hadeeth that Allah The Exalted Says: "The most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me is what I Have Enjoined upon him and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me by performing Nawaafil (i.e. praying or extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I Love him." If Zakah becomes due, one should spend it and seek those who deserve it.

If it becomes due in Ramadan or he wants to advance it, then he may pay it before its due time in Ramadan out of seeking to attain the virtue of the time. However, it should be noted that a Muslim may not delay paying Zakah out of seeking the virtue of time. For example, if Zakah becomes due in the month of Sha’baan or Rajab, one may not delay it to the month of Ramadan under the pretext of seeking the virtue and increase in reward because this contradicts the order of Allah The Almighty to hasten in paying it to those who deserve it. This results in harming the poor and needy. The needs of the poor cannot be delayed. The Muslim should hasten to pay it as soon as possible without delay and not be slow in doing so. Moreover, the Muslim should make sure to pay charity, especially Zakah, only to those who deserve it.

The virtue of the time:

The virtue of charity in Ramadan equals seventy times its virtue in times other than Ramadan according to the Hadeeth of Baraaʼ and others . The reward of charity in Ramadan is doubled and the reward of righteous deeds in general may be doubled in Ramadan by Allah The Almighty, including charity. People seek this blessed month. The Prophet said: "Whoever draws closer to Allah therein through charity is like whoever drew closer to Him in other than it through an obligation." This proves its great reward. It was narrated by Al-Bukhari that the Prophet was more generous than a wind that delivers (rain) and he used to be more so in the month of Ramadan. Charity in Ramadan is multiplied, its reward is ample and its virtue is great due to the virtue and importance of this specific time. Since the Prophet urged it, it has a great reward. That is why the Prophet said: "He who breaks the fast of another fasting person shall earn a reward equivalent to the fasting person without detracting from the reward of the latter." The Companions said: "O Messenger of Allah! Some of us do not have enough to break the fast of another." Thereupon, our Prophet said: "Allah Gives this reward even to those who give a sip of milk to a fasting man." This signifies the virtue of charity with all its types and forms. Those who give charity in Ramadan and increase their charities therein have followed the example of the Prophet and realized the virtue of doing so. Nevertheless, we would like to draw the attention of our brothers and sisters that it is forbidden to delay the Zakah which became due before Ramadan to pay it therein in order to attain its reward. The person who does this actually wrongs himself as he should pay it beforehand and not delay it until Ramadan. However, if he wants to advance the payment of the Zakah of the coming year that will not become due until after Ramadan he can pay it in Ramadan, and this will be good for him, Allah Willing.

Charity in Ramadan has Great Virtue and Ample Reward - II

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