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Effects of Tabarruj:

There are many effects of Tabarruj:

Indecency becomes widespread, desires prevail, immoral behaviors emerge, families are corrupted, divorce becomes common and the chastity of women is abused. Then, after all this, comes a complete collapse of all moral values.

Hijab Is Freedom:

Allah The Exalted ordained women to wear the Hijab which is to wear what veils their bodies and adornments from the eyes of foreign men (non-Mahram men). She, who thinks that Allah The Almighty is restricting her with Hijab, has a soul that has not yet fully embraced faith nor has her heart yet been saturated with the truth of Islam. Otherwise, she would have understood that her freedom lies in veiling her body from the eyes of the wicked.

Islam aims at establishing a chaste society where sexual instincts and lusts are not provoked or disturbed lest they end up as a lustful maniacal society that is never satisfied. There is no place in a Muslim society for a treacherous glance, a seducing movement or a naked body. That is why Allah The Almighty ordered women to wear Hijab to protect them from harm and abuses and to preserve men from falling into temptations.

Wisdom of Hijab:

Hijab or the Islamic dress code is an individual obligation upon every woman which cannot be abandoned. There are various texts that support this meaning. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.} [Quran 33:59]

Allah The Exalted also Says (what means): {And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their head-covers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands…..} [Quran 24:31]

Conditions of Hijab:

The Islamic dress code has some conditions, including:

- It should cover the entire body according to the opinion of some jurists. Others excluded the face and the hands as Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {…to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments….} [Quran 33:59] The garment is the lengthy dress that veils the body and to bring down denotes to lower and loosen.

- It should be thick, neither thin nor transparent because the purpose of Hijab is to veil and cover.

- It may not be an adornment in itself or with attractive, eye catching colors for Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {….and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof…} [Quran 24:31] Meaning without intent and not purposely. If a dress is an adornment in itself, then it may not be worn because Hijab prevents displaying adornment to foreign men (other than immediate relatives).

- It shall be loose and not tight so that it does not expose the shape of the body, the 'Awrah (private parts of the body) or display the parts that arouse temptation.

- It should not be perfumed in order not to arouse the desires of men and attract their attention. The Prophet said: "Every eye is adulterous and when a woman perfumes herself and passes a company (of men) she is such and such (meaning adulterous)." [At-Tirmithi]

- It should not resemble the dress of men as Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah cursed the man who wears the dress of a woman and the woman who wears the dress of a man. [Abu Daawood]

In addition, Ibn Abbaas reported that the Prophet said: "Allah cursed the men who imitate the feminine traits of women and the women who imitate the masculine traits of men." [Al-Bukhari] The Prophet meant those women who wear the dress of men like some of the women of this age.

The Importance of Hijab:

Hijab is one of the strongest and most useful means to prevent indecency. It helps men and women avoid the paths of temptation and sin. The philosophy of Sharee'ah rules concerning the dress code of women in the Islamic perspective is based upon setting her feminism aside in her social movements and emphasizing her humanity and faith in dealing with foreign men (other than immediate relatives). This applies in respect to all her movements outside her house.

Western Perspective:

These Sharee'ah rulings are completely contradicted by the western perspective. Women became a commodity subject to supply and demand, exposed to humiliation, even sexual harassment, assault and rape became widespread.


Islam gave due attention to the issue of adornment and ordered its followers to adorn themselves in the Noble Quran. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid…} [Quran 7:31]

Adornment is a name comprehensive of all that one is adorned with including jewelry, applying eyeliner, henna (a natural hair coloring) and such other permissible adornments.

Permissible Adornment:

- Wearing gold and silver and other similar (adornments such as) pearls, rubies, emeralds and gems was clearly explained in practice when the Prophet took gold in his right hand and silk in his left, then said his famous saying: "These two are forbidden for the males of my Ummah and permissible for its women." [Ibn Maajah]

- Dying one's hair: altering the color of gray hair using henna, Sufra (yellowness) and Katam (a plant that gives a dark color) and avoiding black as mentioned in the Hadeeth reported on the authority of Abu Tharr in which the Prophet said: “The best things to use to change grey hair are henna and Katam.” [Abu Daawood, At-Tirmithi and An-Nasaa'i] Furthermore, the Prophet said: "Change this (grey hair) with something but avoid black." [Abu Daawood and Ahmad]

Concerning beautifying and adorning the face with powder, colors and the like; there are no texts that prohibit this. In addition, this does not change the creation of Allah The Almighty as it is a temporary change that is removed by washing with water. It is permissible for a woman in her house, exclusively for her husband and it is not permissible for her to go out with it.

- Henna: ‘Aa’ishah narrated that a woman made a sign from behind a curtain to indicate that she had a message for the Messenger of Allah . The Prophet closed his hand, saying: "I cannot tell if this is the hand of a man or a woman." She said: “No, it is of a woman.” He said: "If you were a woman, you would make a difference to your nails." (meaning with henna) [Abu Daawood and An-Nasaa'i]

- Wearing perfume: when there are no foreign men (other than immediate relatives) present. The Prophet said: "Whoever is given Rayhaan (Basil), he should not refuse it, because it is light to carry and it has a good scent." [Muslim and Abu Daawood] It is also permissible for women to apply Kuhl (eyeliner), to comb their hair, apply cream to it and cleanse it. The Prophet said: "Whoever has hair should honor it." [Abu Daawood]

Impermissible Adornment:

- Tabarruj: Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {…do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance. And establish prayer and give Zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger….} [Quran 33:33] Allah The Exalted also Says (what means): {They call upon instead of Him none but female [deities], and they [actually] call upon none but a rebellious Satan. Whom Allah has cursed. For he had said, "I will surely take from among Your servants a specific portion. And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them [sinful] desires, and I will command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the creation of Allah." And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of Allah has certainly sustained a clear loss.} [Quran 4:117-119]

A woman who restricts her femininity to the rules of Sharee'ah is characterized by decency, chastity and modesty. On the other hand, the woman who freed herself from the rules of Sharee'ah and transgressed them is characterized by Tabarruj and temptation.

The manifestations of Tabarruj in this day and age reached the extent that women go out (as if) naked and display their natural and acquired adornment which includes changing the creation of Allah The Exalted.

- Using false hair: Asmaa’ narrated that a woman asked the Prophet saying, "O Messenger of Allah, my daughter was inflicted with the measles and her hair fell out. Now that I had her marry, may I let her use false hair?" He said (to her), "Allah has cursed the lady who artificially lengthens her hair and the one who lengthens it for her." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Cursing is of course the strongest proof of prohibition. Using false hair constitutes changing the creation of Allah The Exalted. This was developed in the modern age – through using what is called a wig – the hair used is the hair previously cut from this woman, or natural hair of another woman or the hair of an animal or artificial hair. The same ruling applies to using artificial eyelashes. In conclusion, it is forbidden for a woman to use false hair in cases of health or illness and whether she is married or not and whether with the permission and knowledge of her husband or without.

- Tattooing: The Prophet said: "Allah has cursed such a lady who artificially lengthens (her or someone else's) hair or gets it lengthened and also a lady who tattoos (herself or someone else) or gets herself tattooed." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Tattooing involves instilling a needle or the like in the skin until blood seeps then it is filled with Kuhl or another substance until it becomes green. Tattooing has various other names that differ in different lands such as (Ad-Daqq). The one who tattoo artist or tattooed draws different shapes on the skin mostly on the face, hands and arms. These drawings remain fixed and are immovable. This indicates changing the creation of Allah The Exalted therefore, it is forbidden. The tattooed person is the one who requests that this be done to her.

- Plucking eyebrows: this involves plucking the edges of eyebrows in particular to make them look thinner or finer. The Naamisah (mentioned in the text of the Hadeeth) is the one who takes hair from eyebrows other her own, and thins them. The Mutanamisah is the one who this act is performed upon. This is forbidden as the Prophet said: "Allah curses women who practice tattooing and the tattooed. And the women who remove the hair from their faces and those who make artificial spaces between their teeth in order to look more beautiful whereby they change the creation of Allah." [Muslim]

At-Tabari said: “A woman may not alter the way Allah The Exalted created her. This is so whether by addition or removal, seeking beauty for the husband or another by doing things such as removing the hair between the eyebrows. Imam An-Nawawi said that if hair grows in a woman's beard or above her lips, it is not forbidden to remove it, rather, it is recommended.

- Spacing between the teeth: is forbidden as the Prophet said: "Allah has cursed… those ladies who make artificial spaces between their teeth in order to look more beautiful whereby they change the creation of Allah." [Muslim]

- Going out wearing perfume: The Prophet said: "If a woman uses perfume and passes the people so that they may notice its scent, she is an adulterous." [Abu Daawood, At-Tirmithi and An-Nasaa'i] For this causes temptation. However, wearing perfume for the husband at home is permissible. Rather, it is considered obligatory if the husband requests it to preserve his chastity and to help maintain affection between them.

- Adornment with what includes imitating the non-Muslim women: The Prophet said: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them." [Abu Daawood and Ahmad] Moreover, the Messenger of Allah cursed, "The men who imitate the feminine traits of women and the women who imitate the masculine traits of men." [Al-Bukhari]

Then to whom may women display their adornment?

Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their head-covers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.} [Quran 24:31] Allah, The Exalted, excluded twelve categories of people to which a woman may display her adornment. She may not display it to anyone else.

Woman's adornment for her husband: it is a duty of the woman to adorn herself for her husband by using perfumes, applying Kuhl (eyeliner) and wearing attractive clothes in order to make him happy and increase his desire for her. This is also a reason for maintaining love and affection between them. Islam does not permit a woman to adorn herself with whatever is forbidden or whatever contains a forbidden substance even if her husband orders her to do so. No creature may be obeyed in what constitutes disobedience to the Creator. In addition, she may not intend to adorn herself for anyone other than her husband.


Among the bad habits that spread in many Muslim lands is that women go to what is called coiffeurs or salons to have their hair styled or for beautification. It is no secret to anyone about violations of Sharee'ah rulings that transpire in these places. A Muslim woman should beware of taking part in these issues when she is keen on adorning herself for her husband. There is no problem in having tools at home for use such as creams, powders and hair styling equipment.

The Islamic Vision:

Islam granted the woman a distinguished status, respected her mind and valued her faith, piety and humanity. If a woman appears in society, Islam wants her to be treated according to her faith, piety and correct behavior and not according to her appearance, attractiveness and her tempting seductiveness.

Thus, Islam has a clear vision about the adornment of a woman outside her house. It prohibits that the feminine traits of women be viewed outside their homes, adorning themselves with what attracts the eyes of their surroundings because this turns them into commodities for temptation and merchandise for play and amusement. Thus, making them lose the most important things that make them proud, namely religion, morals, mind and even humanity.

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