Story of Pilgrim Who Did Not Perform Hajj

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I recollected the memories of Hajj, ‘Arafat, Muzdalifah, and the farewell Tawaaf (circumambulation)…

My imagination wandered to the throwing of pebbles…

Suddenly, tears poured from my eyes…

These are unforgettable memories…

I cannot go for Hajj this year due to some circumstances…

I tried to overcome these circumstances but I could not…

I stayed at home reflecting upon the situations of the Hajj and the memories of pilgrims, and my grief increased more and more…

However, I removed this sadness by thinking of this Hadeeth: When the Messenger of Allah returned from the Ghazwah (campaign) of Tabook, he said,

"Some people have remained behind in Medina, and we never crossed a mountain path or a valley, but they were with us (i.e. sharing the reward with us), as they have been held back by a (legal) excuse."

The Ghazwah of Tabook was difficult with various sorts of calamities. However, the Prophet informed them that there were people in Medina who did not participate in the Ghazwah but that their hearts were attached to fighting and seeking the reward. Therefore, they attained the reward.

To my dear brothers and sisters who were determined to perform the Hajj but the circumstances prevented it…

Know that, with your sincere intention, you gain the complete reward, and we have evidence for that: the previous Hadeeth…

After reflecting upon this Hadeeth, my heart was relieved of grief and I asked Allah to make me obtain the reward of Hajj although I did not perform it.

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