Respecting Others

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Author: Dr. Abd-ul-Kareem Bakkar

Everyone knows and realizes people’s urbanization, civility, stability, education, and well-being, which necessitate thanking and praising Allah. However, it is important not to forget that there is substantial evidence that barbarism associated with injustice, oppression, and disaffection have become like a latent virus. This is in order to protect our societies from decadence and aggression.

Allah the Almighty guides us to a great action which implants the virtue of respect, as He says: “And speak to people good [words]…” (Quran 2: 83) The verse means that when we speak to people, we should use good words, be lenient and kind, and give them advice that rectifies their affairs.

Whenever people become more civilized, they expect more respect and kindness from each other. Therefore, we should select our words and behaviors accurately in order not to hurt each other unintentionally. The golden rule is that we should address people in the manner we like to be addressed. If we follow this rule, we will get rid of many social problems. The Prophet () said a beautiful saying, “None amongst you is a truthful believer until he likes for his brother that which he loves for himself.”

People innately are in dire need of whoever recognizes, appreciates, praises, motivates, and cares about them. Someone said, “Among the frequently-quoted legends is, ‘It is written on everyone’s forehead: Please give me your attention and do not ignore me.’”

Among the deeds that show respect and care for others are: greeting whoever we meet, smiling at them, asking about their conditions, apologizing to them when wronging them, hastening to help them during calamities or distress, praising their good deeds, etc.

O my sons and daughters, beware of treating people arrogantly, neglecting and belittling them. It is well-said that the arrogant person is like the one who climbs a mountain; he sees people small, and they do as well.

 The arrogant person is like,

A person standing at a mountain peak,

He sees people small,

And they see him small as well.

The arrogant person appears to spread mutual disdain; however, the teachings of our religion guide us to support mutual respect and common concern.

We all need to develop the feelings of self-respect, as this will enable us to respect and appreciate people, foremost of whom are parents, teachers, the elderly, those who serve people and treat them kindly, and those who serve their country and improve its status. The Prophet () said, “Whoever does not show respect to the elderly, nor shows mercy to our younger ones, nor realizes the high status of our scholars does not belong to us.” The Prophet () also said, “It is out of reverence to Allah to respect the aged Muslim and the one who commits the Quran to memory and does not exaggerate in pronouncing its letters nor forgets it after memorizing, and to respect the just ruler.”

What does this mean, O my sons and daughters?

This means the following:

1-     Whoever wants to be greatly respected should treat people with the same good morals, as the decent, kind, and noble person cannot change his behavior with people or treat them capriciously. He should honor everyone, be patient with everyone, and try to understand and help everyone. Accordingly, he will be respected and appreciated by all people.

2-     Respecting people entails respecting their efforts, choices, and tastes as long as they are permissible and acceptable according to the Islamic Sharia.

3-     Always try to select expressive words and sentences which indicate that you have a noble origin and that you remain aloof from base qualities, and also try to abandon vulgar words used by disrespectful people.

4-     Always avoid disturbing people or treating them in a reprehensible manner; behave impeccably, and read some books in this regard.


Book: (50 Sham‘ah Li-Idaa’it Duroubakum)


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