Arafat: Israel building 'Berlin Wall'

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Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has accused Israel of constructing a "Berlin Wall" around Jerusalem. French newspaper Le Parisien reported the comments in an interview with Mr Arafat which was also published on its web site. In the following excerpts, Mr Arafat told the newspaper that international bodies must intervene if there is to be peace in the Middle East.

"Like all sensible people, I want peace. Not only in this bit of the world, which has played such a crucial role in the history of humanity - the Holy Land - but also for all people on Earth. Because throughout the world, everyone is now affected by everything that happens, wherever it happens, but especially here, in Palestine.

"Nobody should be content with being a distant, passive witness. It is vital that each person should share the problems which affect everyone.

"Right now, the Israelis do whatever they want, and their sole aim is to strangle us. They are destroying us so that they are better able to start building a wall.

"The wall will be longer than 350 km. The line followed by the wall cheats considerably with regard to the 'green line' which was established as a border in 1967.

"They have already started building it in the north and construction work is beginning near Jerusalem. How can they be allowed to build this 'Berlin Wall' around Jerusalem, the Holy City of three religions? It's unacceptable!

"Public opinion needs to realise what's happening. People need to react soon because no matter how morally strong the Palestinian people may be, there are limits to everything.

"The economic collapse and psychological harassment are such that they must be careful not to push us to the limit.

"In order for our children to live in peace, the solution has to come from international bodies. And especially from (US president) Mr (George) Bush."


Arafat described the wall as 'unacceptable'

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