Gulf Ministers Defer Saddam Exile Plan

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A meeting of Gulf ministers failed Monday to endorse a proposal by the United Arab Emirates calling on Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to step down in a last-ditch effort to avoid a U.S.-led war on Iraq. "It is a very important initiative, but we have to discuss it further. ... This has to be discussed among all the Arab states to see how this can be implemented," Sheik Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor Al Thani, the Qatari foreign minister, told reporters after the Gulf Cooperation Council meeting.

"There is a very slim chance this war could be avoided," Sheik Hamad added.

Sheik Hamad said the initiative did not seek to interfere in Iraq's internal affairs - a concern of other Arab nations when the Emirates' proposal first was made Saturday at a summit of Arab leaders in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt. It had been expected to get a more friendly reception at the Gulf ministerial meeting, where many of the nations involved host U.S. troops and have no love for the Iraqi leader.

The proposal, thus far backed by Bahrain and Kuwait, has been sharply criticized by Iraq.

Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said in an interview with Al-Arabiya TV late Sunday that the majority of Arab leaders do not favor the Emirates initiative "for many reasons," including that the issue isn't regime change but to ensure through U.N. inspections Iraq is disarmed.

Arab leaders have been struggling with how to deal with the Iraq crisis and U.S. threats of war. The Qatari foreign minister, however, maintained there were no divisions.

"There was thorough discussion" on the proposal, Sheik Hamad said, and those gathered agreed the matter should be discussed among all Arab nations and in the Arab League.

He said the initiative will not be presented for discussions at the Organization of Islamic Conference meeting in Doha, which is to be held Wednesday.

"The (Gulf) Cooperation Council made a unified decision that this is an Arab responsibility," he said.


Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassem Bin Jabor Al Thani gestures during a press conference after the annual Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC)/ European Union  (EU) meeting, Monday, March 3, 2003, in Doha, Qatar. While Sheikh Hamad commented on the council's discussions of the United Arab Emirates' proposal of Saddam stepping down, he said that chances to avoid a war were slim. (AP Photo/Wally Santan

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