Israeli Occupation Troops Claim Arresting 2 Would-be Palestinian Bombers

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Two Palestinian would-be bombers en route to carry out separate attacks were among 22 Palestinians arrested by Israeli occupation troops in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, an Israeli occupation army spokesman said.Of those arrested, 21 were on Israel's so-called wanted list and at least seven belonged to the Palestinian resistance group Hamas, the spokesman said.
The two alleged bombers were picked up separately in the West Bank in the northern city of Nablus and Dheisheh refugee camp near the southern town of Bethlehem.

They were en route to carry out two attacks, but it was unclear what their intended targets were, he said.

Ten other wanted Palestinians were arrested overnight in the West Bank, including four activists from Hamas and one Tanzim activist -- Israel's term for armed groups linked to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement.

During the day, occupation troops arrested another seven Palestinians in the West Bank, six of whom were wanted.
Three Hamas members were arrested in Hebron during the afternoon.

In the northern Gaza Strip, three Palestinians wanted for involvement in anti-Israeli attacks were arrested in Beit Hanun.

Arafat to Sign Bill Creating New P.M.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was meanwhile set to sign into law a parliamentary bill creating the post of prime minister in charge of internal affairs, while leaving foreign policy and national security in his hands.

A day after parliament endorsed the new job of premier -- a key demand by Israel and the international community for reforming Arafat's much-criticized administration --, Arafat was considering officially naming his number two at the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas, to the top job, officials in Ramallah said.

Top Arafat aide Nabil Abu Rudeina said the bill would be signed within 48 hours.

In a landmark debate Monday, which some deputies saw as the start of real change in the Palestinian political leadership, parliament gave the prime minister responsibility for internal affairs but left Arafat in charge of national security and external policy.

It was not clear whether these powers would induce Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, to accept the position. He has said he would reject it if the job did not have the authority to push through sweeping reforms.


Two Palestinian would-be bombers en route to carry out separate attacks were among 22 Palestinians arrested by Israeli occupation troops in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, an Israeli occupation army spokesman

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