Stiff Resistance to Invading Forces Shows no Signs of Abating as Iraqis Destroy a US Helicopter and a Tank

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Iraq said on Monday it had destroyed a U.S. helicopter and tank and repeated pledges to defeat a U.S. and British invasion as it engaged invasion forces, south east of Karbala, Najaf, Samawah in the South. British invasion forces meanwhile launched a major assault to secure a suburb in the southern city of Basra. In the north, Iraqi positions on the frontlines between government troops and Kurdish rebel-held territory came under air attack for a third night running.

US marines and Iraqi forces also traded artillery fire overnight as Americans launched bombing strikes on the central Iraqi town of Sharat.

U.S. Battles for Key Baghdad Supply Route

The United States is also sending thousands more troops to secure the town of Nasiriya on the vital supply route to Baghdad.
The battle over Nasiriya, gave a sample of the kind of firefight that may await the invading forces in Baghdad, 200 miles to the north.

All day, Marines fought pockets of Iraqi fighters. Cobra helicopters fired rockets into the city, raising plumes of white smoke. Artillery and tank fire rumbled, sparking bursts of white flame low on the horizon. Helicopter crews drew almost continuous small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades.

Four Marines with the 1st Expeditionary Force were reported missing.

Heavy smoke from a burning power plant poured over the city of 500,000, and other buildings were also on fire.

In Nasiriyah's eastern neighborhoods, some buildings were reduced to shells, with debris scattered in the streets.

Nasiriyah - at a junction of highways and leading up to Baghdad - was just one of the places were U.S. forces were trying to ease the way as commanders try to mass troops and supplies for on the capital's doorstep.

Elsewhere, battles raged. At Diwaniyah, a Marine died and another was wounded in fighting with irregular Iraqi forces at a cement plant.

Coalition Troop Casualties, POWs, MIAs

U.S. and British troop casualties from the war are officially put at: U.S. total: 40 dead, seven captured, 18 missing; British total: 23 dead.


Nasiriyah is at a junction of highways and leading up to Baghdad. The stiff resistance the Iraqis are putting there gives sample of what lies ahead.

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