Basra; Cholera Warning, 17 Cases Reported

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A cholera epidemic has been predicted in southern Iraq after 17 cases were reported in two hospitals, the World Health Organisation says. The WHO also warned that other infectious waterborne diseases could break out. "We expect a cholera epidemic in southern Iraq and we fear hundreds of cases," WHO spokeswoman Fadila Shaib told a press conference in Basra.Tests on the 17 cases were being carried out in Kuwait and the results are due on Thursday, Ms Shaib said. **Contaminated water*** She added that the WHO is concerned, but not surprised, at the appearance of the disease. WHO disease specialist Denis Coulombier estimated that there are probably 10 times the number of cholera cases than the 17 "discovered by chance". Mr Coulombier said three other hospitals in Basra are believed to have diagnosed several other cases of the disease. Drinking contaminated water and the absence of regular rubbish collection in the city of 1.5 m people is thought to be behind the outbreak. **Fatal*** Mr Coulombier said that apart from cholera, an acute infectious disease of the small intestine, cases of bloody diarrhoea were also being reported. In 2002, "around 250 cases of cholera were confirmed in Basra. Under Saddam's regime, the hygiene system worked very well but all control programmes have now disappeared," he said. Cholera can be fatal if it goes untreated. The WHO said it had enough medicines to treat cholera cases but warned that current health conditions would help transmit the disease. **Hepatitis*** "The real problem is health security," Mr Coulombier said. "Tomorrow, it will be hepatitis, malaria and other diseases whose incubation period is longer" than the two or three days for cholera." **PHOTO CAPTION*** Basra, Iraq, Unclean water blamed for cholera cases.

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