Garner Set to Quit Iraq Within a Week

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The retired US general, Jay Garner, who has been in charge of the post-war rebuilding of Iraq, is to leave within a week or two, according to reports. The move is said to be part of a shake-up of operations in which top US officials running the interim administration are being relieved of their jobs. It follows growing criticism from Iraqis that General Garner's team has failed to act quickly enough in restoring basic services and planning for the new government. Barbara Bodine, who was charged with running Baghdad and central Iraq, is also returning to the US to take up a new job in Washington, the Washington Post reports. Officials have not given a reason for the move. The changes in the line-up of America's main representatives in Iraq coincide with the arrival in Qatar of Paul Bremer. He is to take over the role of the top US civil administrator from Gen Garner. Up until now, it had been thought the general would remain in the country to work alongside Mr Bremer and focus on the tasks of restoring basic services and reviving key Iraqi ministries. Over a month since Saddam Hussein's regime was toppled, many Iraqis are critical of the sluggish progress made so far in rebuilding the country. Water and electricity are scarce and Iraq remains largely lawless, with crime rampant on the streets. The World Health Organisation has said it fears a cholera epidemic is breaking out in the southern city of Basra. **PHOTO CAPTION*** American civil administrator for Iraq Jay Garner, left, and U.S. ground commander in Iraq Lt. Gen. David McKiernan hold a press conference in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, May 8, 2003. They said that restoration of order and security in the streets and neighborhoods across Iraq will come, but not overnight. (AP Photo/Ali Haider)

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