Bush under Pressure to Outline Iraq Costs

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Back in Washington after a month's break on his Texas ranch, President Bush is being pressed to spell out the cost to Americans of the occupation of Iraq. The US civil administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, says he needs more than 25 billion euro for water and electricity supplies over the next year. That figure is worrying Democrat Senator Richard Durbin, who said: "I think members of Congress have a responsibility to the people of this country to ask the hard questions about how much it's going to cost and how it's going to be paid for. This is just like Vietnam. It's being paid for by deficit spending that we ultimately have to face and pay." Senator John Kerry, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, says he would support increased US spending. But he blasted Bush for not getting the United Nations on board: "Transitioning Iraq to an Iraqi government that is managing its own affairs and its own security- I believe we can do that, but it's going to take more effective leadership than this administration has offered, and it's going to take less arrogance and less ideology." Meanwhile Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican, has called for more troops from the US and from Muslim countries to be sent to help stabilize post-war Iraq. **PHOTO CAPTION*** George Bush

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