Paris-Berlin Summit Calls for Iraqi Government for Iraq

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The Franco-German relationship is blossoming after successful talks in Berlin on post-war Iraq and ways to boost Europe's economy. The two countries will be joined by British Prime Minister Tony Blair at the weekend. Speaking at a briefing after the talks, French president Jacques Chirac re-iterated he would like to see progress in Iraq, sooner rather than later. "We must move as quickly as possible to a much more political situation, that is to the rapid transfer of governmental responsibility under UN control to an Iraqi government, " he said. "And when I say 'as quickly as possible' I am thinking in terms of months naturally, and not in terms of years." It was at the peak of European divisions over Iraq that France and Germany decided to deepen their ties. It is not the only thing the two have in common, both countries plan tax cuts next year which could leave them in the red if the European Union decides to invoke tough fines. **PHOTO CAPTION*** French President Jacques Chirac (L) and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder give a joint press conference in Berlin during a French-German summit. (AFP/DDP/Robert Michael)

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