Chirac Warns Unilateralism Leads to Anarchy
- Author: Euro News
- Publish date:23/09/2003
Jacques Chirac used his address to the UN General Assembly to warn that there is no alternative to the United Nations. The French president offered several suggestions as to how the world body could solve what he described as the "crisis" of the last few months.
But he also gave the United States a sharp rap on the knuckles over the unilateral nature of its invasion of Iraq.
"In a free world, no one can target or isolate another state, nor take action in the name of all. We can't accept anarchy," he said.
But he did offer France's support for the US draft resolution calling for the UN to have a greater role in Iraq's reconstruction.
Chirac went on to suggest the UN Security Council be expanded, suggesting invitations be given to Germany and Japan, as well as countries from Asia, Africa and South America.
He also called for the organisation's charter to be rapidly reformed in order to redefine and strengthen its multilateral system and founding principles.
French President Jacques Chirac addresses the 58th Session of the General Assembly at the United Nations in New York on September 23, 2003. (Photo by Mike Segar/Reuters)