Anti-War Rallies on Both US Coasts

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Vietnam veteran David Cline sees resemblances between the war in Iraq and the one in which he almost lost his life. "This has got a lot of eerie parallels to what we went through," Cline said. As president of Veterans for Peace, Cline planned to join protesters Saturday to demonstrate against the war. Organizers predicted more than 30,000 people would turn out in Washington for a march and speeches calling for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. Thousands more were expected to flock to San Francisco for the biggest protest there since April, when more than 10,000 people filled the streets. "The U.S. government has no right to try and recolonize Iraq," said Peta Lindsay, national youth and student coordinator for International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), which is organizing the protests with another group, United for Peace and Justice. ANSWER coordinator Brian Becker said the anti-war movement has gained more support since May 1, when President Bush declared an end to major combat in Iraq. "With each passing month, more and more Americans become disillusioned with the occupation of Iraq," said Becker. To counter the anti-war demonstrations, the Washington chapter of Free Republic, an independent grass-roots conservative group, also planned a rally for Saturday at the U.S. Capitol, where organizers expect about 1,000 people. "We support our troops and the commander in chief and their mission," said Kristinn Taylor, co-leader of the group. The anti-war rally at the Washington Monument was to be followed by a march to the White House and Justice Department. Speakers include former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and Martin Luther King III. Organizers said most of the protesters will be high school and college students coming from more than 140 cities in the United States and Canada. Becker said Muslim groups, veterans, and families who have loved ones in Iraq or in the military also plan to attend. "We feel compelled to take part in this because we think this war is wrong," said Charley Richardson, one of the co-founders of the group Military Families Speak Out. "It never should have been fought in the first place." For the West Coast protest, ANSWER and several other groups - Bay Area United Against War, Not in Our Name, United for Peace and Justice, and the Vanguard Foundation - have arranged transportation and protest logistics for protesters from Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and 27 California cities. **PHOTO CAPTION*** David Tworkowski, from San Diego, Calif., finishes erecting banners in anticipation for demonstration, Friday, Oct. 24, 2003 in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

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