Israel 'Choosing Road to Disaster'

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Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher said yesterday Israel was choosing the "road to disasters" over the route to peace by continuing the construction of a West Bank barrier. Maher said the fence was being built to "capture more Palestinian territories" and would not contribute to the so-called "road map" peace plan endorsed by the EU, Russia, the UN and the US. "Where is the road map? The road the Israeli government is taking is on a different map. It is not the road of peace and security, but a road to disasters, victims, anxiety and suffering," Maher said. Maher's criticism of Israel came as Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat asked Ahmed Qurie to stay on as prime minister and form a new government, officials said, but their bitter dispute over control of the security forces remained unresolved. Conflicting accounts of yesterday's meeting of the PLO leadership cast further uncertainty over the situation. While two officials who attended the meeting said Qurie had accepted Arafat's offer, the prime minister said he had not received a formal invitation. Even if Qurie does accept the offer, the lingering disagreement over the security forces threatened to lead to further confrontation and continued deadlock over a US-backed peace plan. The US and other international mediators have been closely watching Palestinian efforts to form a government, saying a stable leadership is needed to push the "road map" peace plan forward. Israel reacted cautiously to the announcement. The developments came as Israel held local elections in which Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Likud Party was expected to lose some mayoral races and emerge with fewer seats on local councils. That could weaken Sharon, who led the party to victory in February general elections but has been hurt by corruption allegations, anger over the continuing violence and an economic decline. Qurie currently heads an emergency cabinet; its term expires on November. In continuing violence, undercover Israeli troops killed a Palestinian militant in a West Bank refugee camp, witnesses said. Ibrahim Naneesh, 37, was a member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. Israel warned yesterday that the Hizbollah group was planning to step up its cross-border attacks, heightening fears of a rationalization of the conflict. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher, left, walks with Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia prior to their meeting Wednesday Oct. 22, 2003 in Cairo. (AP Photo/Mohamad el-Sehety)

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