Bush Calls for 'Democracy' in the Middle East

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US President George W Bush's calls for democracy rang hollow in the Middle East, where many said yesterday they were appalled Washington was preaching liberty for Arabs while occupying Iraq. The war on Iraq and Washington's support for Israel in its bloody conflict with the Palestinians have antagonized many Arabs and Muslims who were already seething at the US war on terror, seen by many as a battle against Islam. And Bush's sweeping foreign policy speech on Thursday, in which he challenged ally Egypt and foes Iran and Syria to adopt democracy, fuelled Arab indignation. "Bush's speech is like a boring, broken record that nobody believes," said Gulf-based political analyst Moghazy Al Badrawy. Lebanon's top cleric, Sheikh Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, scornfully described Bush's call as an attempt to ensure compliancy in the region, rather than better lives. Tehran called the remarks as "open interference in Iran's internal affairs." "With the very ugly record of oppressing democracies around the world, the US is in no position to permit itself to make such remarks," a foreign ministry spokesman said. **PHOTO CAPTION*** U.S. president George Bush meets with Israeli PM Ariel Sharon in the Oval office of the White House, JUNE 26, 2003. (THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

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