Muslim Teachers Face Headscarf Ban

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German state authorities yesterday agreed to the country's first bill that bans teachers from wearing a Muslim headscarf in school, although Christian and Jewish symbols would be allowed. The measure was drawn up by the conservative-led government in the southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg following a landmark verdict by Germany's highest court in September. It must still be approved by the state parliament, probably in January, but that is regarded a formality due to the assembly's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) majority. "The aim of the law is to forbid state teachers from wearing symbols which could be regarded as political," state premier Erwin Teufel said. Regional Culture Minister Annette Schavan said the headscarf is "seen as a symbol of cultural division and part of a history of oppression of women." **A question of values*** The German Muslim League, based in Hannover, has condemned the move as completely intolerant. The league's chairwomen, Iyman Salwa al-Zayid, said many westerners found it impossible to believe that women would want to wear a hijab, even though more women are converting to Islam in Europe than men. "What is genuinely sad is that should a women choose to wear a short skirt, an open top and reveal her stomach to the public – well that is just fine. If she chooses to be modest for God's sake, then this is deemed to be oppressive to women. It's crazy." But Teufel and Schavan defended the decision not to include Christian or Jewish symbols in the ban, saying the state constitution placed Christian and Western values and culture at the heart of the education system. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Germany map.

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