Chirac to Unveil Decision on Muslim Headscarves

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Will coming to school wearing an Islamic headscarf soon be against the law in France? That is what the country's Muslims are waiting to find out today as President Jacques Chirac announces whether veils are to be banned in state schools. He will tell the nation of his decision in a televised message. Although the contents of his speech have been kept under wraps, it is expected that the president will follow the guidance of a report by former minister Bernard Stasi and announce a formal ban. For years there has been controversy in France over the issue of religion in public life. The country has the largest Muslim population in the European Union and at present schools have to decide individually how to deal with pupils whose veils contravene secular principles. The report suggests headscarves as well as other religious symbols like Jewish skull-caps and large Christian crosses should be officially outlawed. It also advocates two new school holidays marking holy days in Islam and Judaism - a proposal the president is expected to reject. **PHOTO CAPTION*** President Jacques Chirac is expected to announce a ban on wearing Muslim veils in French schools December 16, 2003 (Philippe Wojazer/Reuters)

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