British Parliamentarians Condemn Anti-Terrorist Measures

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A British parliamentary committee has attacked legislation passed shortly after the September 11th attacks two years ago. Under the 2001 Act the government can detain without trial foreigners whom it considers dangerous but cannot deport because they face torture abroad. Committee chairman Lord Newton accepts Britain will need a body of anti-terrorist law for some time. He said: "On that basis we believe special counter-terrorism legislation should stand apart from the main body of criminal justice and security law- so it can be accompanied by appropriate safeguards like authorization before use, monitoring and review and renewal provisions, so the rights of the individual to liberty and privacy can be met." Britain has imprisoned at least 14 foreign nationals under the legislation. It is only country to formally derogate from the European Convention of Human Rights which outlaws holding suspects without charge. **PHOTO CAPTION*** British Prime Minister Tony Blair leaves number 10 Downing Street for the House of Commons in London. (AFP/Nicolas Asfouri)

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