Social Forum Closes with Call for US Withdrawal from Iraq

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International forces should withdraw from Iraq and let the Iraqi people govern themselves - that was the rallying call at the close of the World Social Forum in the Indian city of Bombay. An estimated 100,000 activists took part in the six-day gathering - an opportunity to exchange ideas and draw mutual inspiration. "It's amazing how much creativity is on show and how many local groups are participating," said German delegate Bernhard Hoeper. "I wish there were more such forums. Dialogue is needed to sustain the world's future." Debates at the forum ranged from how to end the caste system in India to establishing an alternative to market economics, but opposition to US policy in Iraq was also a dominant theme - and the organising assembly called for international demonstrations on March 20, the first anniversary of the outbreak of war. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Anti-globalisation activists walk through the streets of Bombay on their way to the closing ceremony of the 2004 World Social Forum (WSF). (AFP/Indranil Mukherjee)

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