EU Candidate Latvia in Political Turmoil

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Just three months before joining the European Union, Latvia has been plunged into a political crisis. Prime Minister Einars Repse has quit his post amid deepening differences within his government. Last week, Repse lost his majority when his junior coalition partner walked out in anger over a personal fued between the PM and his deputy. And current education reforms have also created deep divisions - the issue of a pay hike for teachers has proved particularly divisive. Latvian president, Vaira Vike-Freiberga says she is already looking for a new prime minister. She says the Baltic state will have a new and stable government soon and will be ready to join the EU and Nato as planned. Repse had held office since October 2002. Ironically, one of the few of Repse's reforms to meet with overwhelming parliamentary approval provoked noisy protests in the streets. Thousands of students gathered to voice their anger as a law requiring all schools to teach mainly in Latvian rather than Russian was passed. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Latvian flag.

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