Two US Soldiers Killed, Six Wounded in Iraq

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Two US soldiers were killed and six wounded in an accidental explosion in northern Iraq. The blast occurred at Sinjar, 120 kilometres (74 miles) west of the main northern city of Mosul, while the troops were involved in explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), a US spokesman said Monday. Meanwhile, the US army distributed a new poster offering a total of 16.5 million dollars for the capture of the five most wanted men in Iraq. The picture of Saddam Hussein's deputy, Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, came first on the list, with a 10-million-dollar bounty. Next came Abu Musab al Zarqawi, a Jordanian said to be leading an Al-Qaeda group operating in Iraq, who has a five million-dollar price on his head. A member of Saddam's outlawed Baath party command, Mohammed Yunes al-Ahmad, is worth one million dollars to whoever turns him in, the AFP reported. Numbers four and five on the list each have 250,000-dollar bounties. They are Abdulbaki Abdulkarim Abdullah al-Saadun, the head of the Baath party military bureau in Diyala province, east of Baghdad, and Moamar Ahmad Yussef al-Jaber, who is described as "the deputy of a terrorist chief." **PHOTO CAPTION*** US soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Division of the US army's 4th Infantry Division salute in front of a helmet-rifle and pair of shoes of their killed comrade Private First Class Ervin Dervishi during a memorial ceremony in Beiji, north of Baghdad. (AFP/Jewel Samad)

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