Sunni Cleric Assassinated in Baghdad

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A Sunni Muslim cleric has been shot dead in Baghdad as occupied Iraq experienced more mayhem. A spokesman of the Association of Muslim Scholars said Sheikh Dhamer al-Dhari was walking down a street near his mosque when gunmen opened fire from a car, killing him. Al-Dhari was not a prominent member of the association, but his half brother serves as the organisation's secretary-general. The body seeks to represent interests of the Sunni community and last week had in a statement said that "no one in his right might" would reject elections in principle "but at the same time we dont want to have nominal or hasty elections and pay a hefty price for that." As-Faidhy, the association spokesman said he expected more such attacks. "We expect...that Iraq would witness many of such operations to create chaos and strife," he said. Lawlessness and anarchy have been sweeping Iraq, ever since US-led forces took control at the end of the war. Resistance fighters continue to mount incessant attacks, that the occupation forces have till date failed to quell. **'No elections in Iraq for at least one year' Says Bremer*** Meanwhile, the top U.S. official in Iraq Paul Bremer said it would be impossible to hold elections in the country for a year to 15 months for "technical reasons," an Arabic television channel said on Saturday. "These technical problems will take time to fix -- we estimate somewhere between a year to 15 months...There are real important technical problems why elections are not possible," Bremer said in an interview broadcast on Dubai-based Al Arabiya. "Iraq has no election law, it has no national commission to even establish a national law governing political parties, it has no voters' lists, it has not had a credible, reliable census for almost 20 years, there are no constituent boundaries to decide where elections would take place," Bremer conveyed in an interview cited by Reuters. **PHOTO CAPTION*** An armed Iraqi security guard stands on a rooftop overlooking a Sunni mosque in Baghdad, during a gathering of clerics and tribal elders, Thursday Feb. 19, 2004. U.S. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye)

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