Kirkuk Bombing Overshadows Rumsfeld's Visit

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A deadly bomb attack which coincided with Donald Rumsfeld's arrival in Iraq gave the US Defence Secretary all the evidence he needed of continuing instability in the country. The purpose of the unannounced visit is to gauge security ahead of June's scheduled handover of power to Iraqi authorities. He met with the US' top administrator Paul Bremer and representatives of Iraq's police force who will be expected to take on more security responsibilities from June onwards. Iraqi police are increasingly in the firing line. The insurgents fighting the US and its allies regard them as collaborators. Thirteen officers in the northern city of Kirkuk were killed in the latest attack. A bomber rammed a car into a police station in a Kurdish neighbourhood. The explosion caused widespread damage and left a further 51 people injured. It comes at a delicate time amid Iraqi Kurds' push for more autonomy ahead of the transfer of power. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Donald Rumsfeld offers a gesture of thanks as dozens of members of Iraq's new police force cheer him during his visit to Baghdad Police Academy, February 23, 2004. (David Hume Kennerly/Reuters)

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